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Position:Home>Philosophy> How to deal with losses in your life?

Question:Every day people gain a lot of things, for instance friendship or knowledge, but at the same time may something, sometimes maybe something you cherish a lot. How do you deal with such losses in your life?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Every day people gain a lot of things, for instance friendship or knowledge, but at the same time may something, sometimes maybe something you cherish a lot. How do you deal with such losses in your life?

~~ Time really doesn't heal all wounds, you only learn how to deal with it better. One way to start is to tell yourself it's time for a positive change. If you look hard enough ,or even at the little things in life you'll find something to be grateful for. You need to find something you enjoy doing to take your mind off your loss. Good music you love will help elevate your mood if you're sad. I lost my husband & was not only angry with God ,but with the whole world;and mostly at Cliff for dying. Then my Step-Daughter gave me a video of him and when I watched it,it made me realise I should be grateful for all the time we had together. Twenty-three years & two months is a long time to share our lives & I'll always cherish that part of my life. Being glad for what I had is better than dwelling on what I don't have. Talking about the one you lost helps you feel better too. It sorta brings them back for awhile. I hope you feel better soon. ~~

Time heals all wounds. It is tough to go through, but that is life. You will cherish again, but you have to go through pain sometimes to get there. It's how you gain wisdom also.

You need to cry for one's heart cannot endure such pain life causes. And think of everyone who is dear to you and wish that their lives will be happier and better forever and ever. And somehow you will be uplifted.

Friend, we all are blessed with something special in our lives. Life's an odyssey, a journey involving innumerable ups and downs and hardships. Every moment we discover something new, something we learn a lot from. Relish every moment of life because its so precious.Don't lament over the losses because they are NOTHING in comparision to what you gain in life. Be happy, be cheerful and only then shall you realise how beautiful life is!

You need to get out of it, this world has greater things to offer than your situation.

By getting used to it.