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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would you want to know when you're gonna die or would you rather it remain a

Question:What are your reasons?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What are your reasons?

I would rather not know in advance, because if I did, it would make me feel like I didn't have a true destiny in life which I strongly believe I do.

hmm...both., i like surprises
2. i have finish all i have to do and make my last round of goodbyes.

i am pretty sure it'll be unexpected.

I would rather it remain a mystery for which I am always prepared.

This is a tricky question!! I don't really know.. I would like to know just so I could get everything done that I want to do... but also I wouldn't want to know, because that would change a lot of perspectives for me... So I guess its kind of a half and half thing for me.

I'm afraid of death, so I'd rather not know.

Knowing that death is inevitable, and I have accepted my fate, either way would be welcomed.

I would not want to know. Just knowing that that day will come whenever, would worry me all the time.

I don't care anymore. When I was younger, I never thought I would live past 30--it seemed so old and so far away. However, I did. Here I am. Old. And it really wasn't that far away. I spent life buying stuff, collecting things, enjoying everything to the fullest extent of my capacity. Many of the THINGS and the people I had to impress in my life seemed very important. However, one day, I went to the doctor, and there was a lump in my breast. Things did not look good for me, as there was a history of this in my family, I smoke, and I overindulge in things that are not healthy. This was in December. My doctor went on vacation after the biopsy! I knew that I was dying. I was sad, but I realized ONE THING: the only thing in this world that was important--the only thing I would ever miss about not living was my husband's face--my husband's arms around me. Nothing else mattered. So, now I don't ask WHEN, and WHEN is not important. It is how I live everyday. I know what is important about living and about this world in which we live. It is the love in life that we will miss. Not the stuff--not the people we like a lot--not our jobs, but the love of our lives. If they tell me I will die tomorrow, well, fine. If it is going to be next year, that is fine too. After learning what was important to me about my life, the whens and whys and hows are meaningless.

it's better remain a secret for me - I love surprises *lol*

we'd be a hypocrite if we know the time of our deaths.
like, we'd do evil things then a month or a week, or even a day before we die, we ask for forgiveness.