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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think we are made for eternity? Why?

Question:Even before eternity as a question, I would have to answer to life after death instead. I think we as individuals aren't really different enough or have strong enough egos to be able to "be who we are now" post mortal death, and I would say I've said no for the most part, but doing raja meditation has made a stronger awareness of what's left after personal ego, and I am more inclined to say that it's possible.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Even before eternity as a question, I would have to answer to life after death instead. I think we as individuals aren't really different enough or have strong enough egos to be able to "be who we are now" post mortal death, and I would say I've said no for the most part, but doing raja meditation has made a stronger awareness of what's left after personal ego, and I am more inclined to say that it's possible.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience so yes, we are eternal

says so in the bible

well... where else do we get our instincts from? you and i have been around much longer than we can imagine.


"We" as in the human population? Of course not. We, like every species before us will die off to a superior organism. Even as a planet, solar system, and galaxy. We all have our lifespans.

No, I dont think the human species will last forever; they will die out just like dinosaurs and other animals. It may take billions of years but that's been one of the only constants in life-death...If you are referring to the spiritual concept of eternity, I dont believe in that either; there is no "heaven" to me, unless you consider rotting in the ground some sort of "heaven", away from all your problems....

absolutely not, no animal on this planet is

I believe yes and no. My interpretation of eternity as an infinite stretch of time and space since it technically has no end or beginning, theoretically must both not exist as a whole, but exist only as a concept when divided. I think we are part of eternity, not made for it.

No, we are not made for eternity. Our personalities will no longer exist once we are brain dead. We will be able to feel neither pleasure nor pain. We won't even be aware that we are dead because we won't even have the capacity for such awareness.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

this questions will bring us to spiritual answers.
yes, I think we are made for eternity. perhaps not our bodies, but our souls certainly are.

why is difficult to answer. but my personal opinion, because we are meant to be the highest creature of all created things, we were made from the same image of God, therefore we are supposed to be immortals. and not just for fun, there are works to be done [it's a whole different story, so I won't explain about it :) ]