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Position:Home>Philosophy> Has GOD chosen were you should be born and live?

Question:before you were born.

Did GOD born you in the place you live for a reason?

(Athesis dont answer)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: before you were born.

Did GOD born you in the place you live for a reason?

(Athesis dont answer)

I think he might have chosen were u were born, but you kinda have the choice of where u live....

God makes no choices for us...only sacrifices.

If God influences where you live, God influences the actions of your parents. God gave us free will to make your own decisions. I do not believe he would interfere with those decisions. God would want us to live a good, happy life. That life is not tied to a place.

Matthew 10:29
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny ? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father.
This means that Gods awareness of you is absolute; but as your parents have the gift of free will, they, or your mother at least, have some say in where you shall be born. Be comforted by 10:29 because a story does the rounds where a rebellious teenager angrily tells his priest that he does not believe in God. The priest smiles and says, "Don't worry son, he believes in you". "As long as he does you'll be fine!"

i think he chose were should we be born and i think he did that because god knows what is good for us and maybe that was the best place for our future

God is concerned about your spelling and grammar.

If there is a God then possibly yes. If you look at it the other way how is where and into what you were born anything but the product of human reproduction.

I think it was your mother who bore you. If you believe in 'god' then you must also believe in free will, which is given to all, so therefore YOU choose where you live.You should be on the R&S site for this ?.

There are things called "historical accidents" and being born in one place as opposed to another properly fits in this category. That is, some things happen one way but there is no antecedently sufficient reason why they could not have occurred in another way. Where a person is born evidently has not been determined beforehand. God probably could use historical accidents to accomplish his eternal purpose. However, I tend to believe that God generally does not determine our place of birth. Besides, even if God did determine our place of birth ahead of time (before we were born), how would we ever know that God determined our place of birth aforetime unless God told us?

I really dont know but I know that I have some strong feelings about some of the people I have had in my life. I was blessed to have a Gramma that I had. I dont know if I could have survived if not for her.

No. God has not chosen where you were born and live because God, quite simply, does not exist. Where you were born is a random circumstance, though you can control where you live to some extent.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.