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Position:Home>Philosophy> In your life is there a person who you know of their ESSENCE???

Question:Not knowing ABOUT them....but non-conceptual.....formless their very being??? :)))))))))))))

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Not knowing ABOUT them....but non-conceptual.....formless their very being??? :)))))))))))))

O` yes, I have been very fortunate in the past months.
Without the knowledge of each others own unconscious depths, a person cannot be an intimate lover. Real love, empowering intimacy, can exist only between people who have each experienced their own depths and discovered that in the depths, they each partake of the same material. This experience makes a true sharing possible. Thus, descent is a prerequisite to mastering the "Art of Lovemaking".

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  • F C's Avatar by F C
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  • Not fully. The human personality is too complex and multifaceted. And only God knows the depths of each human heart.

    Thought I did but no .

    yeah, I thought I did once, and still like to think so sometimes. But he committed suicide 8 years ago - and that essence of him I never knew.

    I am extremely lucky to have two people in my life that are
    so much like me from the depths of my soul that we don't
    even need to speak. When we're together, we just hike
    and make animal sounds at one another. Words are
    so boring when you can snort, chirp, and chitter, don't
    ya think?

    People have a history, being physical beings with a dual nature, also the spiritual. We are all "sparks of soul", all the same yet each different. There is a Hindu story of how The Creator broke itself up into infinite parts just so it could have the FUN of sneaking up behind itself to surprise itself.

    There is wisdom in diversity. So, my answer is no, we can never truly know another, or that would take all the fun out of it.

    At the end of the day we are all the same, yet different.

    Yes of course. There are half a dozen people that if I could have my body changed to look like them, I could be them for a year and no one would notice any difference.

    yes, many...

    Yes. It is an amazing connection. Unfortunately, it is not always enough to create a day to day relationship, but that does not negate its beauty.


    in life two person are very important who knows me more than me...they can feel the pain the sorrow before it reaches my eyes.

    Yes! she has come in my life and thereafter happiness flowered in my life.