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Position:Home>Philosophy> Interpret this: If you let your car sit today, you can drive further tomorrow.?

Question:It refers to temporary things, savoring them. Haven't you ever held off from eating the last chocolate?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It refers to temporary things, savoring them. Haven't you ever held off from eating the last chocolate?

I suppose if I didn't use any miles today and I am trying to keep a particular mileage per month then yes, I can double my mileage tomorrow and not mess with my quota.

technically speaking, yes, why not.
metaphorically speaking, no. example: you become intoxicated at a party and sleep with your best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend. you feel guilty and don't tell your friend and "let the problem sit" for a few days. when you do tell your friend ("tomorrow"), you will be very very far behind. the friend will lose your trust, and possibly your friendship all together (of course this depends on if he/she doesnt believe the 'intoxicated' part) a way you WILL go further, but not in a progressive way. more like depressive...

hope that helped, i know its kind of long..


a penny not spent is a penny earned. the gas you save today will take you farther tomorrow than if you had wasted half today......

It's just like if you're trying to build muscle - going to the gym every day and pumping a massive amount of iron will get you nowhere.

Alternating days and alternating muscles will allow them time to regrow and heal stronger.

Or it's like staying up all day, all night and then trying to do another day of hard work - it's a lot tougher than if you had a decent nights sleep.

It would be more accurate to say, :"If you let your car sit today and keep on letting it sit for a long time, then eventually it won't run."

Harleigh Kyson Jr.