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Position:Home>Philosophy> The secret to happiness & love is....?


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In Freud's words, "Work and Love!" Finding a fulfilling job or role in society (such as a satisfied stay at home mom) AND having people (family, friends, children, or a sexual partner) who loves you and you can love.

a warm puppy...Charlie Brown

self- realization

Is first love yourself before u can love anybody.Be true to yourself no matter what.

self actualization

The secret remains secret.

hammer in the morning.

It must be a GIVE love or even kindness can bring happiness, but if it's not returned it can do just the opposite.
If you give, it must be givin back. If not walk away before it destroys you. Love takes two....or more. Good Luck

Doing what you really like with the person who you really like.

The secret to happiness & love is no secret, it is all around you.

The more you give out love the more happiness you receive

that there is no secret
no tricks
so you just have to keep trying until you get them

to know yourself

Acceptance and the ability to let go.