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Position:Home>Philosophy> If a tree falls in the forest && noone hears it, does it make a sound.?

Question:If a question is highly repetitive and completely derivative, does anyone care?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If a question is highly repetitive and completely derivative, does anyone care?


No one knows.

If there is no one there to hear it, how can the sound exist?

If a tree falls on a mime in a forest, does anyone care?

how can one hand clap?

It makes sound waves but if no ear is there to interpret it, I don't think it counts as sound.

Yes it makes a sound. I'm sure some deer got spooked and took off.

the waves will travel and some frequency will pick it up, but no person would hear it. Are you counting the animals in the forests too?

why is this such a hard question for everyone to get... yes it made a sound. Just because a deft person can't hear doesn't mean there is no sound.

So old.....There is no sound. But thanks for the two points!

Yes, it does make a sound, by you wasn't there to hear it. If my grandma passed away 5 years ago, is that means that she's still living? I think she died of cancer, but my mom never talked to me about it. It's a little strange, because she died about 3 months after I moved to United States; from Thailand. Well, if she's still living, I'd want to meet her again; at least just to say goodbye.

If this old stock question is asked again,
(for about the 10^27 time),
and no-one answers,
will it stop being asked?