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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why does Y/A have a science section, a religion section, and a mythology section

Question:Aren't all of these the same thing?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Aren't all of these the same thing?

Im sorry but I agree, science is a type of faith. Ask any scientist and they would have to conceed this fact.

All theories, indeed all laws of science enjoy their place within scientific communities due to the abscence of disproof. Thus meaning, any theory or law can be overturned at any time given a rational explaination and demonstration of where said theory / law fails.

Quantum physics is discovering that the known rules of physics we accept today are subset laws and do not apply in the subatomic universe. Therefore there is reasonable doubt that our concrete beliefs are in fact concrete.

This aside. The reason there is a distinction made between religion, science and mythology is to avoid injuring peoples particularly sensitive views on these three subsets as the science buffs object to being related to a religion or that science is mythology as science "truth" is witnessed and used day to day.

The religious are convinced that science is forever trying to catch up with their belief systems despite the slow and gradual change to these belief systems over time. (the world is NOT flat, the Earth DOES orbit the sun, Jesus was NOT born on christmas, rather this was a pagan end of year tradition adopted to convert the non-believers), additionally they will aggressively refute any statement to "render" their faith nothing more then mythology. They actively look for indications of their faiths truth every day and are convinced they have seen them.

Well as for mythology, this is more a category for stories and legends. Any faith system, story or other piece of interesting information that has survived in peoples mind long enough for them to no longer really be relivant, stops by the category of mythology before being forgotten. Thus the tendancy for any form of belief to find their belief system in this category offensive.

Hope this answers your question, and be sensitive to peoples beliefs. Its not a nice thing to feel riddiculed.

...For many people that is the case. I guess that is why there is a philosophy section for those who feel that way.LOL

And why would you not be able to distinguish among the three?

Science is proven; religion is faith-based; and mythology is the study of certain groups of peoples' beliefs based strictly on traditions or superstitions.

they share some elements but are not one and the same.

well you got it right somewhat. religion and mythology are the same thing. science is completely separate and is actually based on evidence and rigorous testing.

Science is completely different from mythology and religion as science is based on a method of rigorous experimentation or extrapolation of evidentiary findings. Religion and mythology are the same, but no one likes to think of their religious or spiritual beliefs as myths. So only small or historical religions are saddled with the pejorative term "mythological."

They most certainly are not the same.
Science deals with things you can prove.
Reigion deals with unprovable things to be
accepted without proof. (It's called 'Faith'.)
Mythology deals with common experiences.

I suppose with so many questions being asked that they try to separate them out as best as possible. Besides, they are very different areas.

Why did you not add Philosophy to your list? But Science is not a myth and religion is not a Science... Oh and Myth is not a... Well, you can see where I'm going with this.