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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do we see? Do you think we evolved eyes or they were created?

Question:Doesnt it seem like something that has always been?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Doesnt it seem like something that has always been?

Evolution is a fact, that much is obvious to anyone who cares to research it. With this is mind the question why can we see becomes easily understood and answerable.

Very simple - There's an evolutionary advantage for moving organisms to have sight. Specifically how eyesight evolved in moving organisms is a much more difficult question for laymen such as myself to answer.

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Hey, have you ever asked the question why do we have minds? Believe it or not this is a very simple question with an obvious answer. Because we move! Think about it, most biological organisms that move, use eyesight in one from or another (night vision, depth perception, etc) to navigate through space and time to (eat, find shealter, hunt predators, etc). Trees, plants, grass etc. receive nourishment from photosynthesis and precipitation. There's no need for them to move, hence that's why they don't have minds. Interesting, hey?

Interesting hypothesis - Some scientist think that human intelligence exploded when we went from being quadrapedal primates to bipedal primates. Have you ever noticed, when people express themeselves, they unconciously move their hands? Its likely (though unprovable, hence its a hypothesis not a theory) when we stood up on two feet and began to use our hands in ways we hadn't used before - pathways in our pshyce opened up the gates for intelligence.

Evolution is creation.

yes but you could ask this question about any of our senses.

why do we, smell, hear, taste, and feel?

Created. (This is coming from a christian...)

They weren't. At first they just sensed light, so whatever it was responded to light/heat.

God gave us two eyes and only one mouth to the fact we need to be able to see twice as much as we need to speak.

They were created so humans can witness beauty
our eyes are created in gods own image

We see because it is necessary. I believe our eyes were created. It does seem like it has always been. I believe that because our souls are immortal.

How would we evolve eyes. C'mon. What would MAKE eyes evolve? There would have to be SOMETHING that would make them evolve. Inanimate THINGS dont just decide to do things, logic defies the science books. Sorry to break it to you.

People insist on believing in an imaginary force versus an intelligent force. I am sorry to belong to the human race sometimes. Idiots.

Vision is a means for us to gather information about our surroundings. It probably started as primitive light sensitivity, then became elaborated over billions of years into a sophisticated optical system with the ability to resolve images in great detail.

we all started out as single celled organisms after the universe was first created. then we evolved to multicellular organisms (eyes may have produced then), and so on and so on till we became homo sapiens (humans).

I think that our eyes evolved. I don't think they could just magically appear.

Why do we see? Because we have minds. We didn't evolve eyes, the eyes were evolved way before they got into mammals. So you are right, it has always been, but they were not created...

Let thy eye be SINGLE, (means intuitive)---says Holy Bible.
We have 2 physical eyes created by God.

to successed in natural the beginning of life there was nothing as eyes example amboa,so eyes are evolved.