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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why am I not dead yet?

Question:Sometimes I ask god why I am still alive...I've had so many near death expirences and yet I live..but why?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Sometimes I ask god why I am still alive...I've had so many near death expirences and yet I live..but why?

Thats the way God wants it.

Life is a journey. It's not reaching the end that matters. It's about enjoying yourself and helping others on the way!

Because you needed to be around to ask this question. Now that this is done, you will die tomorrow.

Honestly, this is a question we all must ask, and yet never have a true answer to. We can never understand God, destiny, or even just plain old luck. Come to terms with your existence, you alone can understand it.

if i were you be happy that you alive sweety,its up to him when you go or not.have fun with your life you only live once and enjoy it with family.every moment is special....

You haven't learned all the things you need to learn. You haven't done all the things you need to do. You haven't left your legacy yet.

I don't think you're going to find your answer on here.

that is for you to figure out. personally, i think that we are put here for a reason, and you just haven't completed yours yet. no pressure lol.
but honestly, no one knows the answer to this question for sure.

to keep people in a job by keeping you alive

I think there is a reason for anyone to be on this earth... you will find the purpose and if it is time for you to go, you will...

who knows. You may have yet to do something extremely significant, even though you may not notice it, or you may attribute it to the wrong thing. whatever, just be glad and keep on living

Obviously God wants you here for a reason. You're helping peole whether you realize it or not. For instance just for asking this question you opened a chance for everybody to get two points added to their account just for answering. Even if it doesn't seem like that big of deal you helped someone.

You are alive because you posses the traits that have fortunately been designed by nature to keep you alive in times of danger, its natural selection, you have survived when lesser men would have perished. Sometimes there is no reason beyond that than what ever we make our reason to be, only you can determine how your life will affect the world but you cannot choose how other people interpret it. God is the this mystic being that we create in these times of hardship when we have no experience or way to identify or explain what we have no knowledge of such as death. Much as the Greek gods used Posiden to explain storms and the ocean we use god to explain death when really its just man ingenuity to create an explanation for what we do not know.