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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think our world is lovely? If so what do you think in it is the loveliest

Question:Do you care that our world is in trouble ecologically and what are you willing to do to change things around you to make it better?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do you care that our world is in trouble ecologically and what are you willing to do to change things around you to make it better?

Our world is very lovely, as long as you have the eyes to see it. The loveliest thing about it is our ability to love one another unconditionally. There is also waking up to birdsong in the morning and the sun on your face and the one you love calling your name. Small things like that.

Yes, our ecology is in grave danger. Because of our stupidity, selfishness, and lack of foresight, we have disrupted the earth's precarious balance. I would give up all my possesions (even, eep!, my books) to preserve our planet.

The world is so lovely because it expects nothing in return, takes nothing for granted, and welcomes life with open arms.

I would do anything providing the rest of the world supported those changes. I would ride a bike to work if the employer allowed more time and the city put in special bike paths to ride on so I would not be concerned about getting ran over. I would use solar energy providing the panels were not so expensive or the government offered better cost compensation. I would wear ecologically friendly clothing even if it were the same color, same pattern everyday providing it was more acceptable in society. If I were to wear the same thing (but clean) everyday to work people would make fun of me and probably harass me to an extent. Same at school etc. I would do a lot of things different providing it was supported.

id say women are the best part of life and women make it lovely. nothing else is that important if you ask me. cause money cant give birth to your child. the economy cant spoon with ya lol, global warming doesnt cook so f*ck em, i want women. and thats plural cause theres to many beautiful women to just have one.

I think everything is beautiful in its own way. I think people are the real beauty.

i think our world certainly is lovely....
there is so much beauty in the world...what the problem really is, the people polluting it. I don't just mean with things such as global warming, but with such negativity and hate and racism and intolerance.
as for caring...I don't care about it as much as I should....and I know that is wrong.

yes, there are some very lovely trees in my neighborhood.

My mom just sent me an e-mail that answers this perfectly.
Subject: All New.............Nature's Best Photo Awards by National Geographic
It's impossible to look at this and think this world is anything but miraculous.

You. baby :)

I think our world isn't lovely at is twisted, filled with pain and suffering and corruption. The best thing about it is that we know there's something after it.

Well I wouldn't say it's lovely but I think our world needs troubles, and needs corruptions. without them we wouldn't be able to differentiate lovely from hideous. For instance you can't be in pain without expieriencing pleasure/happiness first.

Yes and the spring when all becomes new is the best .