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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that hatred will ever end in our lifetime or ever?

Question:I don't think it will end in my lifetime or yours, but I truly wish it would and am determined to enlighten as many people as I can so that they realize why they hate. Hate is such a strong word and so many people do not realize that they hate people for some of the stupidest reasons. I mean really, how can you say you hate a person for the color of their skin or which sex they belong to or for that matter, even their sexual or religious preferences. It is stupid to be completely truthful with you! Ignorance is not bliss. If we all took a little time to learn about each other and to see that we are all people, just the same, on the inside, this craziness could stop. But, honestly...I can tell you now that I seriously doubt it will end in our lifetime, but it would be great and I will NOT stop trying to enlighten others in the best way I can.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't think it will end in my lifetime or yours, but I truly wish it would and am determined to enlighten as many people as I can so that they realize why they hate. Hate is such a strong word and so many people do not realize that they hate people for some of the stupidest reasons. I mean really, how can you say you hate a person for the color of their skin or which sex they belong to or for that matter, even their sexual or religious preferences. It is stupid to be completely truthful with you! Ignorance is not bliss. If we all took a little time to learn about each other and to see that we are all people, just the same, on the inside, this craziness could stop. But, honestly...I can tell you now that I seriously doubt it will end in our lifetime, but it would be great and I will NOT stop trying to enlighten others in the best way I can.

I hope, it's pathetic. Ever, possibly, our lifetime, no.

It's a natural human emotion. Unless we find someway to modify people's emotions we will never get rid of hatred. And frankly, being able to modify people's emotions has a whole lot of scary implications. So, even though the world would be much better off without people hating one another, I don't think it's possible. However, I do believe we should all make the effort to understand others. Understanding where someone is coming from, even if we disagree with them and their motivations, leads the way to discourse and reconciliation, and moves us away from hatred.

not in our lifetime .

no it will not end untill all the mexicans are destroyed and I don't see that hapening any time soon those effers breed like flyes!!

No, hatred will always stay so will the disciplines & prestige.

As long as people are concerned about hatred, it must go on existing. Sounds ludicrous, but it`s the truth. We are free to think about whatever we want or it wouldn`t be freedom, now would it?

yeah when the earth explodes from a massive war between all

yes, when Jesus returns and rules from Jerusalem for 1000 yrs. and then afterward when he defeats the devil and the false prophet.

Hatred will end only when evil is defeated. My guess is not in our life time.

I don't think hatred will ever end because I will always hate satin because I love God.