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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think war is nessecary? Why? And what is the root cause?

Question:Personally i think that war is just two conflicting ideas, and instead of negotiating we choose violence instead. But I'd like to hear some different opinions to get a better perspective of things.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Personally i think that war is just two conflicting ideas, and instead of negotiating we choose violence instead. But I'd like to hear some different opinions to get a better perspective of things.

In reality the greatest battle is the one not fought but humans cannot change our nature, such as we still resemble our money like traits. War is mans natural feeling of wrath and loyalty towards those with charisma. The charismatic tend to have a great devoted cause in which why they are so popular amongst followers and many feel they must use their followers as pawns in their battles. Every battle has a reason but generally powered by political, economic or pride motivation. Although many feel war is unnecessary in which in reality it is, it is unavoidable in a sense that there is a good reason why war itself has been around since the dawning of life and can continued trhough history.

They say history repeats itself and i fend this very true. War is like the skirmish 1v1 between 2 animals over food or shelter except the fact that it involves many humans where in tern humans defining natural trait is that they work in communities such as ants. Like a spider uses its fangs, man uses tools and numbers as its natural survival tools to gain what it desires even if it involves destroying others who oppose.

I think instead of war the leaders of the countries fighting should just duke it out. Bush vs. Hussein... that would have been entertaining.

A lot of times, we want the same things. We just go about getting them in different ways. And if the things that we want are limited resources (like water or land or money), then tension rises, someone panics and usually does something stupid.

i hate violence, i hate bush, and i hate war. War is NOT nessesary. if it was, i would have blown up my big bro with a grenade when i was 5 for stealing my ice cream. its just stupid!

you will find that 9/10 times war is ultimitely about money & power. even when they deny it.

Well you have a good point, but I have to dissagree. For instance the war we're in right now is a bit stupid and pointless, but world war 2 was a war that had to be fought. Negotiation doesn't always work. I don't think someone could have gone up to Hitler and told him nicely to stop killing Jews. With people like him you have to start a war. Different approaches for different people.

"Men love war because it allows them to look serious. Because it is the one thing that stops women laughing at them." -John Fowles (American novelist)

"Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind." -John Fitzgerald Kennedy

"War is capitalism with the gloves off." -Tom Stoppard

War is all about gain....monetary, political, land, power, influence, reputation........
No war was ever fought out of purely altruistic sentiment. It has nothing to do with "good".....and couldn't possibly have anything to do with good. Even WWII was a vehicle which brought many nations out of the 'financial desert' brought about by the Great Depression.

There is no necessity to war. War is an inevitable occurrence due to the extreme differences of mankind's opinions. Negotiation would be a possibility were it not for conflicting logic and unverifiable facts.

For instance, let's take religion. A religious man believes in earthly things like good morals and just actions. This is a verifiable fact. However, when you begin to touch the ideas of before life and the afterlife and the invisible and the divine, you come to a point where one person believes upon faith that his religion is correct. On the other hand, the other person believes upon faith that the first man's religion is not correct.

Now, the two could agree to disagree and that would be that; but then doctrines come into play. In most cases, antireligious just want to be left alone and could agree to disagree; but the religious insults the antireligious by giving him grim prospects of his afterlife or intrudes upon him by constantly trying to convert him to the "correct" position. Alternatively, and becoming more outspoken, the antireligious want to help the religious by converting them to their position so that their hopes are not dashed after they die.

From this, it seems that it is not the difference in opinion that causes war; but the mandated doctrines. When a position requires that one intrudes into the lives of nonbelievers to convert them to your cause. Some people believe in their position so greatly that they want nothing more than to have everybody believe in what they believe and will intrude into others lives and many times, especially in third-world governments, cause hardship upon those they intrude upon.

In summary, war is not necessary, but inevitable. To call it necessary would be to say it could not be lived without. The root cause of war is doctrine.

I'd probably agree with you on the conflicting ideas part, but war isn't something that doesn't have a root in basic human nature, but not everybody kills or actively HATES other people I believe. I think that war is and will always be a defense mechanism. War allows you to hold on to what you believe is important in a way that you believe is valid and justified, not unlike yelling at your girlfriend or people you claim you respect because your feelings were hurt. In a crunch, I think we all fail sometimes and we become violent and righteous and ideological. We justify our destruction has defense or that we "need" to expand. Its human to do this stuff and none of us are above the emotions, feelings and thoughts that eventually lead to war, some have a better hold on it.

Now, to answer if I think war is necessary. No, I do not think it is necessary. I do think humans acting the way humans do though is what we do. We aren't going to change completely, dictators and those who claim they are "peaceful" have more in common than they think. When was the last time you belittled another person because it was something to do or because it made you feel better after they wronged you? War is just 10 steps beyond that. If war is to be avoided, we have to realize that people can be petty and believing that we are superior because we are "pacifists" isn't really doing anything because a lot of stuff is going on in the background that isn't passive at all. We need to get over petty squabbles and the idea that possesions and ideas are commodities that are always worth killing for before things ever change I think.

fo shizzzzzle
Peace out .

1. No
2. Because i think , we only have very sort time for love so that why no time for war .
3. The root cause for war is "man mind" if womens are more stronger then men there is no war anywhere . because women cannot see their family or other families also to die in front of her.
So i think where the womens have more power and educated also their are more peace .