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Position:Home>Philosophy> What have you achieved that makes you proud??

Question:i mean its there something that you are proud of? something you say if i die tomorrow i go happy because i acomplished _____ what would it be??? what are the things that keep you sane and happy?

ill give my answer soon :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i mean its there something that you are proud of? something you say if i die tomorrow i go happy because i acomplished _____ what would it be??? what are the things that keep you sane and happy?

ill give my answer soon :)

- Pulled myself out an abusive household and kicked several drug habits in the process.
- Combat Veteran earning 3 medals
- Put myself through college while working 2 jobs
- Wrote & performed a song that made it onto a record album and another that made it onto the radio (albeit a local station).
- Performed in front of 4,000 people and met several "stars" while performing.
- Volunteered to mentor troubled kids and rescued animals for an animal shelter.
- Earned over $100,000 in one year.
- Bought my first house (then several after that)
- Have traveled to 12 countries and still counting
- Had the corner office of a company
- Started my own business when that wasn't enough.
- Have been happily married for 12 years.

That's the list so far. I keep adding to it as time goes on (since I didn't think I'd accomplish half of that).

Looking forward to seeing everyone else's. It's good to take a moment and celebrate what we've accomplished, rather than complain about what we have not.

I moved to Canada. And I can juggle a bunch of balls :)

I am happy to have graduated high keeps me sane

When I get to level 3, THEN I will be content

I'm brilliant @ everything

Saw my nephew enter the world... last weekend! was amazing and im super proud of my twin sister and my nephew! x

i won the tour de france riding a unicyclle naked playing a banjoe

when i get the girls i want.

some people may think its not an achievement but i'm proud to have my son.

i bought a bag of m&m's from the vending machine, and it accidentally gave me two bags. It was the greatest moment of my life.

I am happy that I have almost accomplished my goal to graduate this year from high school.

I lost 133 pounds.

sleeping with Bubby
not talking sex here but knowing and trusting someone enough to be able to sleep while being held in his arms
being able to trust someone
i'll always love him for

ability to trust

I am proud of all the sacrifices I have made, to bring joy to others.

I am in the entertainment business... jousting at ren faires to be exact. It's a tough job... it hurts the body... 12 hour work days... living in squalor... your pay registers in the poverty level... but I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything.

All the hard work during the week, and all the crap one had to put with, was all made worth while when you performed on the weekends. Hearing the people cheer, boo, laugh... really enjoying themselves. Seeing the look on the children's faces, when after the show, you (as a knight) go out to meet them....

I went through college on my own. I taught myself photography when I was a young man, built my own darkroom and all from a skinny little magazine that showed how it was done. I read the whole bible more than three times, learned an immense amount of information about God that I didn't know before, and I also dispelled a thousand myths I grew up with about the bible. I managed to convince this beautiful woman that I'm worth her while and now I'm married to her. I'm rebuilding a basement and that I'm proud of. Wish I had more that a few bucks a month to do it with but man have I come far with it so far.
I'm learning the Mandolin and that's a tricky feat with my fingers!
I've collected books and built a small and diverse library over the last thirty years, I really like that.
But what's really neat this last few years is that I learned to type! Got a "Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing" program and now I can do about fifty to sixty words a minute. That truly is a task for me. Not the speed, but the fact that I can actually type! Still can't spell worth a been though.
Oh!, and I'm just abuot three hundred points from level seven, should be there by the end of this week. It was fun getting there!
A lot of other things too, but space and time are limited.

I'm proud to say im ah femcee on her grind regardless of life's obstacles im still making moves im happy to say im 10 steps futher than i was last week, im not only talkn bout making my dreams come true but im putting the action with it, also i 'd be happy to knw that my kids knw i love them n GOD's love them and i dont have any beef or grudges and wat keeps me sane is knowing that my circumstances dont determine my future and that there is allways a better way n there is jus no way i can fail w/ a no limit GOD!

I graduated college and became a Licensed Veterinary Technician. Graduating from a good college and working with animals has been my goal since I was like 5.

I'm also proud that I have such a good relationship with my entire family. I'm glad I have remained so close to them, even though we are all grown up and live further from each other.

My next goal is to volunteer for a Pit Bull Rescue Organization, and foster homeless adult American Pit Bull Terriers.

Let me count. I stood up for what I belevied in, even went to jail. I stood on ice and stopped men from killing baby seals. I stopped the police from beating a friend just becasue he was black. I helped stopped a factroy when they posioned a local swimming lake. I helped throw out a out dated school dress code. I truned in a child beater. I trained dogs and wroked for a vet. I cared fro childern when no 0one esle would. I fight to get pot legal. I stand up and fight aginst BSL. I lived.

my 10th thousand orgasm!