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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the difference between a religious person and a cultured person?who is e

Question:Religious person is one who follows rules prescribed by a specific religion, and Cultured person is one who understands all religions and still holds faith, with his/her good opinion about existence of all religions


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Religious person is one who follows rules prescribed by a specific religion, and Cultured person is one who understands all religions and still holds faith, with his/her good opinion about existence of all religions


what? they aren't mutually exclusive

I'm not exactly sure what you are asking but what does come to mind is:

A religious person lives by adopted veiwpoints of a status quo whereas a cultured person lived more authentically in an experiential way without such pressure to conform to even the cultural status quo but rather to just find their own way in it somehow.

A religious person should be of the Lord a cultured person is of the world
1Jn 2:15 Do not love the world of anything in the world . If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

religion fears culture and eats it alive. Culture eschews religion in seeking its identity through powers taken away by religion{now, I feel that America has no culture in the traditional sense of the word}

The concepts aren't fundamentally related.

A "cultured person" usually means one who is well-rounded culturally. One who knows his music and his books: one who is familiar with the art of his culture.

A religious person is one who tries to carry out God's will.

One can be either, neither or both and to varying degrees.

A religious person is someone who lives by a certain religion.

A cultured person is a somewhat antiquated term for a highly educated person.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

Religion and culture are two separate things. A religious person may or may not be cultured, and a cultured person may or may not be religious.

I would say though that being cultured gives you a better chance of being understood. A cultured mind is an expanded mind, with more experiences to draw upon and a better ability to see and understand other viewpoints than an uncultured mind.

i don't really like the question because it assumes it is not possible to be both, which it is. in fact many of our most famous and revered early politicians, scientists, writers, artists, etc., were both. there's always been ignorant religious folks and idiot 'cultured' folks (if that is even possible); there have also been folks who were religious AND cultured. still are.