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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is your definition of the term 'Charismatic'?

Question:persuasive, attractive, alive, real, energetic, special.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: persuasive, attractive, alive, real, energetic, special.

what is charismatic??? heard of it but dont know what it means!

I would defer to any dictionary over "my" definition - but it means someone charming, engaging, someone who tends to attract people and put them at ease.

This means that someone has a very engaging or attractive personality.

someone who makes you feel good about yourself and them at the same time!

Charismatic - see links below : -

Charismatic movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The charismatic movement began with the adoption of certain beliefs typical of
those held by Pentecostal Christians — specifically what are known as the ... - Cached

Charisma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Although difficult or even impossible to define accurately (due to a lack of
widely accepted criteria in regard to the trait), charisma is often used to ... - Cached

charismatic - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Definition of charismatic from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio
pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.

Here is an Englishman who simply oozed charisma : -

YouTube - Winston Churchill at Fulton
Famous Winston Churchill's speech at Westminster College, FultonThe Iron Courtain.

Here is a modern MP with lots of Charisma - I mean David Cameron, not the other fellow : -

YouTube - 'Bottler Brown' vs Cameron (PMQ`s)
Oct 10, 2007 ... Brown vs. Cameron during Queen's Speech debate ... PMQ 25 MILLION !!! records
LOST ..CLASH in Parliament ... 2008 YouTube, LLC.

A complete dunce when it comes to charisma, Bushington : -

Introduced by the White House Press Secretary and told by David Letterman ; -

Join YouTube for a free account, or log in if you are already a member. ...
George W Bush - American Idiot. 02:54 From: richardrandle. Views: 1471160 ...

My definition is someone who lights up a room when they come into it.

Like, the kind of person who, when you're around them, automatically makes you happy.

Someone who just radiates happiness.

i think Charismatic is having the ability to cause devotion or admiration in people. it could also be possessing great powers of charms and influence.

For me its "magnetic" in a way that you draw people towards you with your warmth, generosity and appealing nature.