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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why can't we listen?

Question:to other humans, and our selfs

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: to other humans, and our selfs

I think we can, just most people choose not to. Its a lot easier to not listen than to pay attention.

too sweeping a generality, people listen every day

si se puede!

You can listen as well as you hear...It just takes practice......

because it's hard to follow both the heart and the mind at the same time. the heart insists something, and the mind is stubborn to comply! vice/versa

Because our mind is not relaxed. It is overstimulated. It is part of modern living. I lived in third world countries where I was very listened to.

we do listen, we choose to hear the words that are spoke to us, we choose to hear the meanings or not....

I think we get too caught up in our own drama at times, and then when we do listen...we make assumptions based on our own experiences and then we get the situation entirely wrong.

Good question , I suppose that listening others is one of the hardest thing to do and may be its a sense of wanting to control a situation and hear our self say what we would do in a situation , and let our views known . It might be as well that we think that we are self-righteous as well !!!! When it come to ourselves we rarely listen to our gut feeling because we doubt the truth , when in reality the gut feeling is always right , its an instinct built right into us .

People cannot often listen when they have something so pressing on their mind that they have to share it. It may be a response or a reaction. They may feel like they have to share their knowledge and convert others to their thinking. It is all part of growing up to the point where one feels so secure in themselves they can start to listen to others without the need to defend, criticise or judge.

We have the math all wrong.

Allow me to explain:

You see, we 'do' have two eyes -- that part of the equation we have down pat! What we can't seem to derive is that we have 2 ears and 1 mouth -- not 2 mouths and one ear.

A lot of people only like to hear then selves speak even if it dose not make sense .

we hear it...but we don't listen...

we're all too caught up in our own drama to think of anything else....

we really need to start listening..

because to often our mouthes get in the way.

We listen them, but we don't think about what the other are talking.

Yes, we can listen. But we listen best only to what we want to hear.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

We can if we are open to hear what others have to say. Our prejudgment of others automatically close our ears to hear and we can miss out on important and beneficial information coming from them. Most of the time we don't listen to our self its because what we hear is Not what we want to hear therefore we discard that which we don't want to hear.
If one wants to be heard one must learn to listen.