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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is anybody out there just TIRED of life not going thier way?

Question:well dont END IT. tough it out and stay strong.. your not the only one.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: well dont END IT. tough it out and stay strong.. your not the only one.

We get tired of life when we resist what is there rather than accepting it and choosing again.

well that was inspiring...


**** thanks betch

yeah some times i want to die. like u said i tough it up becouse im not they only one.

hahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahha!!!... If I got my way the universe would cease to exist as we know it......hahahahahahahahha!!!!!! no kidding....been toughing it out for years and have years to go.....only the spoiled need advice like that.....

no. When life goes the other way turn around. :) That's a smart comment isn't it. :P

Life is what you make it . You are the Creator so create anew .

Consider the alternative.

I don't mean death. I mean everything going your way all the time. Value would become meaningless. Life would be boredom.

my year was rough to say the least...i was so frustrated today, i just started singing with the radio on the way ohio, there are tons of people looking for a job, so i guess i shouldnt *****...but yes, many people are struggling right now,im 43 and i have never seen it like this...i went and bought cat food after work, it was 4 dollars higher than a month ago....i feel like jona, and americas economy is the whale...end it , hell, i promise i will go down swinging..

hmmm. no life is awesome, infact id even go so far as to say its the best thing thats ever happend to me. amen :]

i need someone like you in my life and im greatful to have meet you thanks

thank you...I'm not gong to end it, but I'm really ready for it to get better.

Yeah I am. But **** it, if you don't like the way **** is going, then fight to change it. Prove somebody wrong.

Thanks. I'm sixty-nine years old, and that's what I am doing. I know that life is pointless and that the only thing we can do to survive is amuse ourselves as best we can without harming others.

I am not afraid of being dead because I know that once all my brain cells are dead, there will be nothing left of my personality and I won't even be aware that I am dead. I am afraid, however, of dying a painful death, which is different from being dead.

I find that it is fun to participate in this forum. I try to be helpful in my answers whenever I can. Nine percent of them up to now have been considered best answers. I think I am doing okay.

I am gay, and what I would really like to have right now is a nice boyfriend.

Still, I manage to put up with things the way they are. This kind of philosophy is known as stoicism.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.
