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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does any one think that robots will ever take over the world?

Question:i personaly dont think that robots will ever take over the world they cant have feelings can they and the only way they could is if some dumb person programs hundreds of robots to destroy the human race

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i personaly dont think that robots will ever take over the world they cant have feelings can they and the only way they could is if some dumb person programs hundreds of robots to destroy the human race

they already have, humans have become disgustingly lazy and dependent on technology to entertain, educate, inform and do their jobs. Humans have programmed stupid humans to destroy each other without aid of robots, computers or technology, just look at the stupidity of street gangs, prison inmates and military personnel, freedom fighters, guerrillas, terrorists, racists.......all murder at the command of another, hence they are robots that destroy.....

Robots are machines. They cannot function without maintenance, programming, and energy.

It's more likely that bacteria will take over the world.

No the have to be programmed and their batteries have to die eventually.

No, robots will not take over the world.

Robots are machines like men. They may develop and learn. Today they are our slaves, but some day they will emancipate.


yes. yes i do.
i beleive evil robot penguins of doom from space will come to earth and take over the world.

NO, but i thinks robots will be taking over jobs pretty soon...............

Yes. Robots already do much of the used-to-be jobs performed by people. Plastic surgery and medical robotics (such as prosthesis) are aiding to actually turn humans themselves into robots! Wow!

Watch this news report, then decide.

this one is convincing, too.

With enough time (and I mean a hell of a lot of time), this could be possible.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

Only if we become to reliant on them. But as another person said, bacteria are more likely...far more likely.

Maybe it's just me, but I do believe there is a posibilty of this happening. I mean i doubt it will ever happen but as crazy as this sound I've realized the nicer I am to my computers, the more responcive they become. I think science will eventually interfear with emotion. Why cant emotions be creatated? If we make a brain to do the simplest of tasks why cant it eventually adapt to the world and feel what othe people feel? I don't think they will necessarily take over the worl, but I think they could become human or human like.