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Position:Home>Philosophy> If it's true that suffering enables growth, is there any suffering that shou



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Physical suffering can be eliminated. It serves no constructive purpose. Pain is a useful indicator that the body has been damaged or is ill. Suffering should be alleviated using medication, however.

Emotional suffering -- travails, hearbreak, disappointment -- are supposed to build character. True, you need moral fortitude to survive in this world. However, life provides enough challenges. We don't need to look for additional sources of suffering.

The monks and ascetics that whither the flesh to get close to God have it all wrong. Parents that deny their children love & consolation are really off-base.

I am hoping that this newest break up with my most recent boyfriend will help me grow as a person realizing that it is not necessary to have a man in my life to feel whole. It sure is nice being around someone whom you are romantically involved with though, now isn't it? But, when one has baggage, well, you have to either decide to keep the baggage or the romance. This is an example of suffering of the heart. It is important part of life for growth.

I have suffered in other ways. My baggage is my mentally challenged son who is 19 and is a huge trial in my life. I help him immensily, but I know eventually something will happen to me and he will end up living under a bridge unless I get some help from the government who seem to be very slow about giving out help to mentally challenged adults. I hate when I hear traditional republicans say, well, there are programs out there to help him. Sure, but how reliable are they? I have learned they aren't reliable, and the republicans are not willing to make sure that people have jobs and don't have to be dependent on the government. My son wants to work. He is misunderstood and many cannot understand he is disabled because the disability is what is now as highly functioning mental retardation. It doesn't make jobs any easier to come by for a person of his stature. It's very frustrating. Here's another example. This surely is a type of suffering which should be eliminated.

Not all suffering enables growth, even if some does. That's what should be eliminated.

Like slow painful AIDS related death.

There's also some suffering while you are alive that does way more damage than the growth would allow.

Like being molested by a trusted neighbor at age 4.

There's also the possibility that the growth that is enabled later causes someone to become even worse than the aforementioned suffering.

Like having your best friend sleep with your girlfriend, which leaves you so much in shambles that by the time you come out of it you have grown to the point where you are convinced that not only are the emotions that are intrinsic to the institution of sex not important, but neither is the friendships that you hold dear. By the time you grew out of it you were sleeping with everyone everywhere. At age 22 you slipped a roofy into some poor girl you thought was in the sorority, but turned out to be a highschool girl who was just over the age of 16 and then you end up in prison on two counts of rape.

I'm not sure that suffering enables growth though.

Suffering should help us realize that this place is not our real home. Suffering is the impetus to want to realize our eternal real self. We are not this material body, IE race, color, nationality, religion, mind, intellect, job, status, etc. We are all eternal spirit souls, who are part and parcel of the Supreme Soul also known as Krishna, Allah, Jehovah, Vishnu, Rama, etc. An intelligent person will ascertain that I do not want to suffer any more. How do I end all suffering? Then they will seek how to end this suffering condition for good. BHakt Yoga is the process for self realization to end all suffering. For info. go to Read The Science of Self Realization by Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada I hope this helps you as it did me. Thanks.

I personally would say that it does not enable growth but reveals a preexisting strength, endurance or ability. Often the individual who suffers is not aware of the ability or would not otherwise exploit this ability if there had been no suffering.

The best known example I can provide is of Joseph in the Bible. He was just as intelligent etc. as a youth but the suffering of being sold as a slave, falsely accuse and being put in jail both helped to humble him and reorient his priorities and provide wisdom.

Suffering that is unjust, the suffering of children at the hands of the cruel, starvation, .... etc. there are many things that should be eliminated. The unnecessary suffering caused by sexually transmitted diseases spread by those unwilling to behave in a morally correct manner, the suffering of the unborn being killed by the 10's of thousands a month, the rapes and murders caused by repeat offenders that should have still been in jail... the list goes on and on.

"Blessed are those that hunger and thirst for Righteousness" - Jesus


Yes, it does. More than that, suffering makes one stronger if it doesn't kill. Why eliminate sufferings? In the elimination of sufferings, happiness would be taken for granted and metamorphose into boredom, which is another form of worse suffering.

suffering ends when desire is eliminated. Growth comes from knowledge, change and experience, which comes from making poor choices, learning from lessons the hard way.

Yes my suffering.
My growth is being stunted by evil frenemies

Putting behind you the lessons of suffering is awakening.

Most of the time, suffering does not enoble growth. It just makes people feel miserable.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.