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Question:what if we are all chemically inebriated via soemthing in the environment, and whenever you smoke pot it nullifies that for a short time, and what you expierence when you are stoned is really reality and a normal way of thinking

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what if we are all chemically inebriated via soemthing in the environment, and whenever you smoke pot it nullifies that for a short time, and what you expierence when you are stoned is really reality and a normal way of thinking

I once ate a cookie that was shaped like a dinosaur


******* hippy! What you smoking that for?! Dickface.

u just blew my mind!

Dude, you were SOOO stoned when you wrote this!

that would be awesome!. i am no longer a pot smoker but did have my times back in the day. to me i think it would be a possitive for it to be legalized here in america. you can broaden your horizons. and look at life in a difrent light.

then we should be normal all of the time.

Awesome, Dude! Watch the movie "Idiocracy" - that's what the world would be like if everyone were stoned, or stupid, which amounts to the same thing.

Then I imagine we are a bunch of laid back happy mother@$$rs in real life and that can't be such a bad thing now can it?...Don't listen to me though, I'm drunk right now!

i've thought about this a lot. It seems like the world would be a better place, every one would be mellow and peaceful. There may be the occasional paraniod person but they could easily fix that. during the 60's they would set up a tent called that bad trip tent and every one that was having a bad trip or paraniod would go there to calm down. If we did things like that then we wouldn't even have that minor issue.
The world would simply be better. Of course pot would probably still be "cool" and you would have a few people that would smoke it simpley to be "cool" but I wouldn't see the piont in doing so. I mean really, if every one was mellow and if every one was stoned than why would you want the chaos and stress of the everyday world


Dude, lay off the "Joy Juice", not everyone can handle it.

because weed doesnt alter reality when its smoked id say your question is pointless. LSD on the other hand, you'd be askin a deep question lol.

This sounds very much like Plato's Cave. We would still have to trust our senses because even under the worst of circumstances they are our best guide.

ah that moment of hope full clarity. How do we get that without?
Some say God, others say family or good friends. Or a walk in the park.

Sorry, but this just doesn't work. If there were such a chemical in the air that did this, we'd definitely know about it by now. I think maybe you underestimate just how extensive and rigorous science can be...

I don't know if we all are stoned. I can only speak for myself

~~ "When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself." -Bob Marley ~~

You're right dude, but only for some people. I bet it works the opposite for some people who smoke. I feel like i experience a better sense of reality when im stoned, however i know some people who become complete morons when theyre high.

Like while my friend is driving while we're smoking a bowl, he'll finish his hit and then slow down to 20 mph on the highway. WTF RIGHT?

It's good to get stoned from time to time. But it is important not to overdo it.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.