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Position:Home>Philosophy> You said no strings could secure you at the station, how do you feel now?

Question:i am still time can bind my freedom

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i am still time can bind my freedom

i feel tied up. like maybe this weeds got my mind all strung out like yours... hahaha i feel GREAT

I feel like I'm in a white room painted different colors. I feel like the cream that has risen to the bottom. Like a Ginger Baker candlestick maker, like a Jack Bruce baseline vibrating through the hallways of congested nasal passages. I feel like I'm at the beginning of the middle of the end of a circle. I feel like Clapton playing Layla before he stripped her electricity and turned her into a ho-hum folk song. I feel like a Cadillac in Toyota clothing. I feel like John Lemon after Yokohama broke up the Bee Gees.

Bump bump bump bump - I feel free.

The shadows no longer run from themselves.

The shadows run and hide from me, but I still see them. The question is, do I rejoice in their fear, or fear for them?

This is an excellent example of some beautiful poetry of desperation and loneliness. I always like to hear it sung.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.