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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can people die from a broken heart?

Question:Can you die from a broken heart? Explain why or why not. Can someone loose someone, get so depressed, and just..... die... without committing suicide. I've heard of it happening. Thank you. :D

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Can you die from a broken heart? Explain why or why not. Can someone loose someone, get so depressed, and just..... die... without committing suicide. I've heard of it happening. Thank you. :D

YES. It's called Broken Heart Syndrome or stress cardiomyopathy. It triggers heart failure. The sheer amount of stress love related depression puts on the heart can actually mimick a heart-attack. People have died of broken hearts.

if they literally have heart problems then yes
im not sure how they would die without commiting suicide
well i guess if a really really old person was depressed and then died people might think they died of depression but really they were already gonna die.
i do not think a person could die of a broken heart but its always a possibility
good luck

Yeah, severe depression can shut your body down to the point where your heart has to work really hard and fails eventually.

yes. one can die from a broken heart.Entertaining it, sadness comes. It produces bad chemical reaction in the body, cramps blood in chest, so stroke happens. So, if you lose someone , cry over it and understand that the living still need you. If you loose someones fault, you are relieved. So God is concern more on your positive feelings of love, hope, giving, creating, faith as against hatred, fear, despair. hence his teachings. God knows negative chemical reaction is bad to the body.

I heard of a little lady, whose husband abandoned her and her little child, and absconded with another woman.
Alone in her home, she sank into despair and gloom, and in days cried herself into an early death and grave. The wracking, searing pain of a breaking heart, literally tears apart the soul, and drains the life force of a human being.

Incredibly sad, but true.

Comedy actor Lou Costello died in 1959. He was very happily married. His wife died less than a year later of an apparent broken heart.

yes people can: its believed that Johnny Cash died because of a broken heart as he was stressed over June Carter's (his wife) death.

Personally i think you can because you feel that a part of you is over and that you will never be able to recover again.

There are so many, many reports of elderly couples following each other in death by mere days, weeks or months. Spiritually, I believe that the spouse left behind has his or her heart broken by their loss and wishes to be with their beloved, thus hastening death.

u work yourself up into it ... if you can do that you can do anything...

- really you could die from a broken heart - but then that would be confirming the truth - you were left heartbroken because you were a miserable git.

I know this isn't the same thing, but I met an elderly man the other day when I was walking my mischievous, adorable little bundle of fluff (Lily)... this man came out the pub and made a fuss of her. He told me that he'd always had dogs.... one of them had died. He'd become so depressed, he wasn't able to eat, he wasn't drinking fluids, became dehydrated and ended up in hospital in a medical bed... that was all from grieving and mourning.

I have also heard about people who "give up on life" when one of them dies. Two elderly people who have spent year together... one gets ill and dies, often the other one loses the will to live and they "naturally" deteriorate for no apparent, obvious medical reason and die very soon afterwards.

I think there IS a lot to be said about your mental state. Mind over matter. If you are mourning, and sad you can lose the will to live. That is bound to have a knock on effect, involving hormones and chemical changes, which will undeniably have an effect of organs.

I think technicly yes
when my grandmother died.
my grandfather was heart broken
he lasted only a little time afterwards.
so in that way yes
he lost the will to live

Men have died from time to time, and worms have eaten them, But not for love. -Shakespeare.

NO. I don't think you can ACTUALLY die of a broken heart. I had read a report somewhere that we can. But my personal experience indicates otherwise. Maybe my heart was physically much stronger but the grief was excruciating. Every single night, for full one year, I cried my heart out, my face lost all its glow, had dark circles around my eyes, but still I didn't die, however much I willed myself to. Miraculously, one night I felt peaceful as if patted by some unknown force to sleep, like cold water sprinkled on smouldering embers.

Like you I had believed too, and had waited for death every night to be with the one who left for the other world. It just didn't happen.

Yes and they have.
Men and women who have lost the loves they stood with all their lives are then lost themselves, that is when they give up the want, and will to live and quickly die of a heartbreak. I've seen it happen twice and I've known it to happen from many stories of acquaintances and friends.

I believe that it has happened dying from a broken heart . I met a Lady whose husband passed away and lost her will to live her life without her husband and wanted to join him in heaven . Broken heart is a horrible pain .

Sasha is right.