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Position:Home>Philosophy> On April 15th, are you a fool or a loyal patriot?

Question:Well if you don't pay your way, someone has to pay for you so - I think it's a matter of dignity more than fool or not.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well if you don't pay your way, someone has to pay for you so - I think it's a matter of dignity more than fool or not.

whats the difference?


Only a fool would answer that question on the Internet.

fool sense it a big joke any way !

U r april fool !

loyal patriot - who is foolish to believe in the Fair Tax

Let's Make April 15th just another Spring Day!

Time for ANOTHER Tea Party!

Let's abolish the I R S !!!!!!!!

A fool that follows the law as the government is holding a gun to your head. At the end of the day a smart fool. No need to be a martyr.

they screw us put one to them, tax us on our paycheck then on everything else russia quit being commies we took over

... well,
i'm neither really.

I mean, god save her madge etc
But i think that anybody who enjoys waving a flag shouldn't be allowed one.

Both. I am a loyal patriot who believes in a flat percentage tax for all. We need to have a national proposition put on the ballot to bypass our crooked congress. It is the only way the people will be truly heard.
But, I am also a fool who keeps paying extortion so that the rich will not have to. One person can do nothing to change things, but could you imagine the chaos that would be caused if just a few million openly refused to pay unfair taxes?
They would have to change something. The courts and federal prison system could not handle it. They would melt down.

April fools !!!!

I have to be a loyal patriot no choise.

I am neither a loyal patriot or a fool. I agree with people like John Dewey on the political nature of our society. I also agree with Noam Chomsky, who maintains that if we were to apply to ourselves the same laws that we applied to the Nazis in the Nuremberg trials, then all our post-war presidents would have to be executed for war crimes.

Linguists rock!

Harleigh Kyson Jr.