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Position:Home>Philosophy> What things can give one a more enriching and fulfilling life?

Question:I'm open to hearing any and all suggestions.

Thanks :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm open to hearing any and all suggestions.

Thanks :)

1. Recognizing that "more" and "fulfilling" and "enriching" are real possibilities.

2. Realizing that, along with birth, such arrive per sowing and reaping, cause and effect, plan and fulfillment. That there is some mutability does not contradict this second truth-claim.

3. Next, asking "what is the nature and quality of the good?", i.e., what is "good" or "valuable" about "more," "fulfilling," and "enriching"? This level of understanding and awareness is difficult for some, as it asks self-awareness, self-introspection, learning of others' wisdom, etc.

4a. Skipping these prior steps, to answer your question, "more" indicates Maslow's hierarchy of needs wisdom: that "more" at any level permits further step-wise progress. "More" thus means sufficient, sustained, "enough:" "enough air, water, food, shelter, social approval, permit self-actualization and, per Maslow's Theory Z, Self-realization ( and being examples of each, respectively).

4b. "Fulfilling" is a kind of endorphic bliss; "enriching" is a kind of iterative aesthetic data-streaming, in which one moves from bliss to bliss, e.g. the true love of a genuinely committed relationship deepens upon iteration.

5. Thus, no one hands you these kinds of blissful attainments, as that is termed "inauthentic" and typically "spoiling" of the inner, childlike joy. Wise parents, and wise self-championing of one's joy, love, and mercy, and wise self-healing and correction of one's envy, greed, anger, and pride, are part of the maslowian self-actualization process.

It is worth noting that Kierkegaard anticipates Maslow's Theory Z as K's third and culminating Sphere (Spiritual or Religious, realization of the Noumenal in the first Aesthetic existential now and the second Ethical reflective spheres).

Thus, the basic human philosophic, meditational, and psychologistic moves/steps are fairly well-marked and known. The work remains for each individual, and is ongoing and progressive throughout earthly embodiment, and beyond: "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis; "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet; "Men in White Apparel" and "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton; "Man, Master of His Destiny," O. M. Aivanhov; "Soul Reflections" and "Sacred Psychology of Change," Marilyn Barrick, Ph.D.; "Awakening Love," Drs. Demetry and Clonts; etc.

For me its being a Christian and knowing Jesus Christ.

I think helping others, such as volunteering and just opening doors for people and helping them makes me feel like im doing something good in this world. kinda cheesy but oh well!

bettering our life for other people.

Simple acts of kindness makes me sleep better at night because i know i did something that made someone else happy.

A child

honestly you need love. without love and family/ friends all the money in the world is useless.

"Things" as material goods will take you away from the stated goal. Actions that help others are the most fulfilling things and give your life meaning and value. The world is about giving, not having.

peace and love

When you start doing things more for others rather than yourself. Do something that makes a positive impact on the lives of others and you will find far more fulfillment than when you simply satisfy your own personal need and desires.

Loving, nurturing, and children.

LOVE. When you're loved you know you're accepted etc.

Hope for a better future.

We all need more of loves. We must loves others, and loves our self. After all, the definition of happiness is to loves and to be loved isn't it? If I'm wrong, I hope you'll correct me. Well, there's no limit to love, you can loves as much as possible. Unlike eating, you gotta stop sometime right? Is too much of a good thing is good or bad? Well, to me there is no too much or loves and happiness.

God,Jesus,Holy Spirit.......Wisdom,Love,Ambition.......... Yahoo.........