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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you like staying up your Roof watching the starry sky?

Question:~thank you~

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I used to look at the stars while on the roof when I was a kid, but then, we lived far from any city/street lights. I'm a truck driver and always amazed of the clarity of everything when I pull over while on some highway out in the middle of no where. And I mean, 30 miles or more from the nearest town or house. is like looking at the vast ocean. Both are limitless and unimaginable. We need that to feel refreshed and to put our lives into focus.

yes, but not when it is below zero, like now...

Yes, and I totally agree with the person (kanka) above me.

It is the infinity of it that is so alluring. My fondness for the ocean and sky are the same in that respect.

Yes, its peaceful

Yes it is peaceful besides the fact that I have a constellations essay to write. (:

Yes...that is one of the times when I don't want science to progress any further...when I am on that roof looking at the millions of distant stars out there and just wondering. Wondering is the best part; someday science will get us to those stars and people will stop wondering. And the world will be less majestic. I am so lucky to be alive during this period of time.

No I prefer the flat backyard. I keep sliding down to the eaves on the roof!

My roof isn't flat enough to do that, but I can stretch out in the backyard and go to sleep counting the stars.

I have to admit the last time I slept out, though, I didn't get much sleep. There was big nightlight in the sky and I couldn't find the switch.

Don't go camping on the full moon unless you bring shades.

No. Not my roof. I can't get to it. But roofs I have access to, no. There is too much ambient light where I live so not so many stars. It sounds really nice though. I am constantly looking for escapes from the real world and that sounds like something I would enjoy.

If I could I would. There's something peaceful about watching a starry sky.

Also, I'm glad that you didn't fall off the roof when you fell asleep. That sounds dangerous.

What a moment of solitude and peacefulness. Eureka!!!

I was going to say
"How flat is your roof?"

Some houses have patio/verandas up in the roof area and this is nice, you can go there and watch stars

They are always a treat, stars, the planets and constellations, Here is the 2008 schaedule of the Perseids. I watch those every year.
2008 Meteor Showers and Viewing Tips

The next meteor shower is the Lyrids on the night of April 21/22, 2008.
Name Date of Peak Moon Phase
Quadrantids January 4, morning Crescent, rises 4-5 a.m.
Lyrids night of April 21/22 almost Full
Eta Aquarids May 5, morning/evening New Moon
Perseids August 12, morning Sets around 2 a.m.
Orionids October 21, morning Rises around 1 a.m.
Leonids November 17, morning Rises late evening
Geminids December 13, evening Full Moon