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Position:Home>Philosophy> What makes a quality male female friendship anyway?

Question:It is probably not a philosophical question, but as here on the philosophy section are lots of clever people, I want to post it here.
A 46 year old male distant friend asked me this question yesterday.
Some thoughts? Thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It is probably not a philosophical question, but as here on the philosophy section are lots of clever people, I want to post it here.
A 46 year old male distant friend asked me this question yesterday.
Some thoughts? Thanks.

Everything in its place as usual, equal and required respect to one another and their values.

3. Respect
4. Equally YOKED *

* Fool- proof

I would think that it would be the same kind of friendship as a same sex friendship. Someone who you can count on, who is there for you physically as well as mentally. An unconditional bond between two people.

I think that the women should have as much freedom, space, work and hobbies as men have always afforded for themselves. Two people of equally autonomous character are far better for each other than one who has no self esteem living in the shadow of the other.

When both are happy. It's actually not that difficult.