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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why does no good deed go unpunished?

Question:Seems whenever you try to do something good something bad happens (like my husband volunteered at an animal shelter, go bit by a pit bull and now has missed 3 days of work and is out all his vacation pay).
Why do you think this happens?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Seems whenever you try to do something good something bad happens (like my husband volunteered at an animal shelter, go bit by a pit bull and now has missed 3 days of work and is out all his vacation pay).
Why do you think this happens?

Because pessimism rules our society!!!

Do you know the difference between an optimist and a pessimist? A pessimist is just an optimist with alot of experience?

I don't know...but that stinks! Sorry =(

It's just bad luck. These things happen...

Chin up, We all have bad days....

Let the good times roll

it's just a saying.

It's just bad luck, that's all.

Although, to be fair, if your husband didn't want to get bitten, then why was he volunteering at an animal shelter?

Tell him to volunteer at a soup kitchen instead.

Hmm... maybe not... he may get scalded, or attacked by a homeless person.

because men are men it is what it is!

Well of course it doesn't always. But there are unexpected consequences. I think the best reason to do good is that it makes you feel good, unless you get bit by a pit bull. Sorry.

I think this is the way it works. Our perception and attitude may determine if a thing is good or bad or if all things simply harbingers .

I have found that for every unfortunate event there has been something good that happens, either before of after the crisis.

Try reading the book backwards.

There is no punishment. There is just your perception of reality.

Would you accept COINCIDENCE- 2 or more events happening at the same time that have nothing to do with each other?
We want to think "cause and effect", logic and reason, so life may be controlled, we'll have guidelines for knowing what to do and what will happen.
To a large extent that works, you won't get a good job without a good deal of education; if you speed you'll get a ticket...
Yet we've all heard of people who earn a fortune running a gambling ring, or win the lottery, and we know people who brag about speeding all the time and never getting a ticket...

Some people believe God is directing our lives for His own purposes, which are mysterious.
Others believe we're here to learn lessons and everything happens for a reason.
There are those who believe in random events for no rhyme or reason. Your husband did a good deed and got punished. Now what if he had found a tatooed number of the dog, called the owners and collected a huge reward?

Some man bought a file cabinet at a garage sale for ten bucks, found a manilla envelope as he was emptying the drawers: hundreds of thousands $' worth of old stock certificates, signed over "to the bearer."
Random luck- so what was his take on it? "This money doesn't belong to me, l'll do everything l can to return it to the owners"... would l do that? maybe. Would you?
RANDOM LUCK, wouldn't you say?

We don't control what happens no matter how hard we try.
Sometimes luck is good and sometimes not.
All we can do is our best and suffer the consequences whatever they may be.
And, oh yes, let's try not to judge others by whatever their luck may have been- they have no more control over it than we do.

Christ Jesus demonstrated that in spades.

Point being, there is often opposition, imperfection.

"The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,
"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, and
"The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis, well explain and illustrate this.

I have no idea why this sort of thing happens but sadly it does and it stinks really badly. hope he feels better.