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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does God enjoy watching others suffer?

Question:i am asking this again because i didn't get any logical answer yet, so..Why did God put animal eating instincts into carnivorous?
Lions, crocodiles, tigers etc… they eat other animals because they can’t help it, that is how they were genetically programmed. So Does he enjoy watching others suffer?

I love God but sometimes I get confused!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i am asking this again because i didn't get any logical answer yet, so..Why did God put animal eating instincts into carnivorous?
Lions, crocodiles, tigers etc… they eat other animals because they can’t help it, that is how they were genetically programmed. So Does he enjoy watching others suffer?

I love God but sometimes I get confused!

Girly - god is not a person like you or me and the idea of the man in the chair thats 2000ft tall with a beard is just BS. There is a creator - yea guess we call it god. And the whole suffering is just part of amount un numbered of rules and musts that create the world and its process for life we are in now.
The animal may be in pain but then passes onto another realm to bliss. If the world was all good and pain free there would be no world. That is life. You see? Its part of the spectrum of life.

It is our decision. We can turn off these feelings. It is our choice. We feel separated from G and that's why we think s/he thinks this. When we are attached to God understanding overtakes feelings of non-loving by God.

Life is pain and if God is life then God is pain.

Sufferings on earth are regardless of what or how God feels or think. Just think of a world without sufferings. I dont particularly like to suffer but it is indeed what makes us what we are. And to answer your obvious love for insects or animals that are prey, if I recall correctly, it is when Adam and Eve sinned that animals stop living in harmony.

Then you are creating your own image of God.

Please read Genesis chapter 3, it clearly stated that it was God (actually Jesus - the Word) sentenced us to death.

A lot of things have been implanted to forbid us to get advanced. Food chain is one; the other is sexual desire with related organs. All are leading us to destruction or even extinction.

The food chain leads us to man eating man.

The sexual desire caused us to make babies As DNA getting mixed closely, white with white and colored with colored, origin with origin. Human intelligent will go down and human will return to their stone age. However, all danger facilities would cause the disappear of the Earth.

Obviously, God love to genocide human race.

I believe that God has a plan and that despite all the ways that we as human beings mess up, God's will gets done. I believe that God has a purpose for allowing evil to happen in the world. I do not claim to know what this is but I rest in the knowledge that God does and that that is enough for me.

God does not define suffering, we do. When a person is born with Spina bifida and dies in the first days of life, does God care about that kind of suffering and torture? Accordingly, God created everything that created life and so on, but the definitions set forth by humans are not Gods definitions. He just put everything into motion and "let the chips fall where they may." If God were indeed in our likeness and us not in his, then yes he could be considered a masochist. But that is not the case. So to him its just the way things are and its left up to us to determine how to deal with such a thing we define as suffering. Its called "testing your faith in His omnipotence without question."

Try to put yourself in His shoes and decide what it is that you would do, taking into account the whole picture, leading to cause and effect. Without suffering would we know how to appreciate the opposite?

Just like you said he is a genius.He planned all these things.Imagine, all the animals being there, young and old.How do you think they would have survived?remember they do not grow Their food because they use all the limbs to move or support.
I believe these was to check on the population of the animals and also to encourage them to be strong.And i also think that if this was not taking place, i think the situation would have been worse.imagine too many animals, too many people,the world would have been filled up long before you would have been born.
Thanks for the query.

You asked a question that started "Does God..." but then said "please don't give me religious references." Do you see the contradiction here?

The "undefined" does not care for whether someone is enjoying or suffering, sometimes others' suffering is one's enjoyment, the hunter feels victorious whereas the "hunted" is betrayed. So its all about the balance of this "world" which has a limit & new lives can take place only by making some place . Its a harsh reality.

There is no logical answer.Logic is human reasoning and is not divine. The answer is found in the Scriptures, which you don't want us to quote.

I don't believe in God but I've studied religion for years. God is not a 'genius'---a genius is a matter of intellect measured in humans in comparison to other humans. God is omniscient, all knowing. He's not just 'genius', he knows -everything- by Christian belief. You see, humans fail to accept that their morals are not the boundry in this world. Humans might be the most advanced animals---but that's all you are, a cognitive animal. God's morals would be above and beyond what you can comprehend, and his creation would come down to 'necessity'. There is no other logical way for the world to work than the system of sacrifice and reward, give and take. A lion eats a lesser being, takes its nourishment to live and repeat itself in birth, excretes the waste and donates that to the earth. Then, when the lion is dead, all of its matter decomposes into the earth and contributes to the growing of grass, flowers, and trees---the basic food of all living things. To God, this is certainly a beautiful concept, not a horrible one. He does not 'enjoy' watching things suffer. In fact, it's unlikely an omniscient, omnipotent being 'enjoys' anything---that's a human emotion. God is beyond humanity. Suffering is necessary. Flowers are more appreciated when you realize what the world has gone through to make that single flower, and God probably sees it that way if a god exists at all.

All Life is One. What people call competition is actually cooperation at a primitive stage. Most predators have found ways to kill their prey quickly with the least pain. We are all evolving spiritually to be more loving.

first of all there is nothing other than GOD in our universe.when HE create this universe HE made some laws to control all the things and the evolution theory (your concern) is sub sub sub sub sub sub sub sub sub .........result of that one of the law .so nothing is going wrong.

God created the balance of nature and it works well. People today react so foolishly to nature. They don't mind eating that steak or fish if someone else kills it or ignore their cat that goes out and kills a few mice or song birds. Predators thin out the sick and weak and keep populations strong and often stop the spread of disease. If you can think of a better method then you had better go study nature some more, it works fine if man isn't messing it up.

No he doesn't.

Maybe you can quote from many religious texts but there is only one that hold the understanding of who God is and the salvation offered in the death of Jesus. You should start studying the one that has relevance to the God that created the universe, the God that gave us life and the God that loved us enough to send His Son to die on a cross.

John 3
16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

As for God's creation man, we make our choices and suffer the consequences.

May you find the true God.

It is our own view that God enjoys when others are in trouble.God is least bothered he is standing allof of all this he is just the witness of the game.Another theory says that the God is suffering in all the forms he is the food,eater and the eaten difficult to understand that is the truth .

There is only one way in and only one way out in this realm that we live in.
Even Jesus had to be born to get here and even Jesus had to die to leave.
Life is a precious gift. It is temporary. Otherwise we would long ago have extinguished ourselves in the mass of living bodies 10 miles high. That would not be living that would be germs or bacteria. We could all be fed as in a zoo but I think you would agree that is a boring horrible life. To enjoy life freedom is a requirement.
God wants us to enjoy life but in our limited realm death is a requirement.

Only Satan enjoys the suffering.

Good question
Glad you asked

Your question is on the right track but you assume that God is a personal God and therefore expect Him or Her to act as a person. Keep thinking and you will find the answer