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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it true that a loving nature can help to forgive the others mistakes ,before

Question:I think so.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think so.

are you serious? Are you asking if it's possible to forgive someone b4 they ask for it? Ever?

OF COURSE IT IS! What planet are you on? How is this deep?

we can forgive a person only if we truly love him/her....
but not any Tom Dick and Harry.....Only God can do that because he loves all of us....

My girlfriend punches me in the wrong spot sometimes. It hurts, but I know she's just contesting, not intentionally trying to put me on the ground.

She usually takes a few minutes to assess that i'm actually in pain before she asks for forgiveness. But, in situations like that, I forgave her the second I hit the floor.

That is, until she kicks me =/