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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do you think its ok to be less in life?

Question:Why settle for less

Go big or go home!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Why settle for less

Go big or go home!

I dont..
im the best!

That's just it - some people just settle.

Go big or go home ;D

You could have it so much better... if you try!

Going big is too much trouble for too many people and those who find it to be too much trouble are too apathetic to bother going home.
Myself? I don't think it's okay to be less in life. I think you have to be the best YOU can be. Not better than anyone else, but what you can be.

I'd like to mention the show "Deal or No Deal", it really symbolizes a person's life. if they make a deal, they don't live life to the fullest, if they stick with it to the end, they are either incredibly smart or just live life to the fullest.

the answer to the question is that you will,
always find someone smarter, richer, more attractive. so everyone
to the degree is different.
but as god said.
he don't make junk!
any you will get what you want if you try.

bless you

Life is a gamble, to 'go big', you will have to take at least few risks, some people just dont take it. Sometimes, settling down is a better option. Greed is essential, but when its too much, its too much.

Quotes from Michael Jordan:
"I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot... and missed. And I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why... I succeed."

"I realized that if I was going to achieve anything in life I had to be aggressive. I had to get out there and go for it... I know fear is an obstacle for some people, but it's an illusion to me."

"If it turns out that my best wasn't good enough, at least I won't look back and say that I was afraid to try; failure makes me work even harder."

Fear is an illusion to him. Wow. Powerful stuff. I agree with you almost 100%, but you are forgetting a certain group of people: the disable/mentally retarded (this is not meant in an offensive way) people. Life dealt them crappy cards, and obviously they will have to try 100x harder to achieve what a "regular" person can. They aren't settling for less because of lack of effort; rather they are doing it because life game them bad cards. But other than that, good philosophy. =]

It all depends what you mean by being less???
If you mean to be satisfy with a little mind, not to want to know more... then, never settle for less.
There's so much we can improve incessantly, and pushing us all the time that we must go forward. Myself, I surely can't sit on my b*** " mind " that I would die. Anyway, my mind and heart are always asking me to go for more; love more, give more, understand and dig more, be more kind, help more and so on...there's no end to what we can do to be more than we are...

nothing to lose, no disappointment, less scary, self-fulfilling prophesy

Well less and more is determined by society. So if you care about society, you should. If you don't, be happy with your desires.

What is less of one is often more of something else. You cannot build a house and plant a garden in the same location. A room full of furniture leaves no space for cartwheels. A life spent running at full speed leaves little time for idle contemplation. Having a spouse or children tethers you to them. Once you finalize your perceptions of quality and quantity, you close yourself off to a multitude of trade-offs which could change anything, including the entire meaning of your life.

What your thinking now is exactly what society wants you to think. Dont let your ego run away from you, because wether your the president or mopping the floor, we've all gotta serve somebody.

It doesn't really matter what others think as to weather or not you did less in life. It only matters what you think. If you think that you didn't do all that you could do then you are like most of us, and as long as you're willing to live with not doing as much as you could have done then no one can truely make you do anything about it. So just live your life.

I think that most of you are assuming that everyone has the same definition of "big".

If a person loves to sleep, maybe his idea of "big" is to enjoy 11 hours of sleep daily?

If a person loves to eat, well... we won't argue with his idea of "big".

If a person loves privacy, why the heck would he want to be some "big" shot CEO?

If a person doesn't have a massive ego, it wouldn't matter to him very much if he's not a "big" shot either.

What truly matters to you? What is really worth anything? Your kids? Shouldn't you be enjoying the best years of their lives with them rather than trying to "go BIG"?

Who are you trying to impress, anyway?

"HAPPINESS" and "Limitation"