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Question:And what qualities in a person lead you to believe this?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: And what qualities in a person lead you to believe this?

I honestly think true beauty is someone who knows themselves, has a good head on their shoulders, inspires everyone around them and has views/opinions that aren't just the average of every day people.

I think this goes for both guys and girls, but there's lots of things I could list which I would consider a characteristic of having true beauty :-)

a persons personality

their character, and how their outlook on life is


their personality

Being confident and believing in yourself and having a good heart make someone beautiful.

You, baby. ;-)


some one who doesnt dress and act like every one else, not afraid of any thing but full of love and sensible compassion

I believe a truly beautiful person is someone who sees the beauty in others and is confident in themselves.

Knowing how to carry the self. Being cool, slick, mature and yet young at heart. Plus, a person who is not nonsense, insensitive and pretentious.

People that have compassion, care about people but above all care about themselves and won't let people walk all over them. Someone that is an individual despite social pressures, is interesting and strong but can show emotion.

True beauty is all about grace, pleasantness and integrity, in terms of physical looks, mannerisms, behavior, thoughts, intent, speech and action.

I honestly think true beauty is someone who knows themselves, has a good head on their shoulders, inspires everyone around them and has views/opinions that aren't just the average of every day people.

I think this goes for both guys and girls, but there's lots of things I could list which I would consider a characteristic of having true beauty :-)

sincerity, compassion, love

"The Splendour of Tiphareth," O. M. Aivanhov,
"Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and
"Sacred Psychology of Love," Marilyn Barrick, Ph.D., give clues.

true beauty is when you see the personality/qualities of the person and you begin to accept them all, whether they are good or bad... of course, you would want to change these bad qualities, but you try to help him/her instead of looking for other peole who doesn't have those bad qualities...

true beauty doesn't necessarily point to things/people being beautiful inside and out. in my opinion, everything and everyone has its own unique and authentic beauty that most people overlook... because everything and everyone has both bad and good sides...

the world is basically good... but it doesn't mean it doesn't have stains. let's just say that they're part of its beauty...

I can't say but I like to think of beauty this way. Imagine the most beautiful sunset. Now try to describe it in words or thoughts and then compare your description to the actual experience of a beautiful sunset. The experience is something beyond words or thoughts or description and even the greatest poets only point you towards experience.

It is the same for me with a person. The qualities of a person cannot be intellectualized. For me a beautiful person shines with the same radiance of that sunset or of a flower in bloom.

the ability to laugh at ones self

well by your picture I can say you have true beauty.
it makes a persens heart flutter.

my hearts fluttering. so you have it

Your Avatar.

Holy friggin smoke.

i love john's answer...?

God and His love. Those who know of it and live by it are the beautiful people. You can see it in their lives as they live it.