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Position:Home>Philosophy> What Is Your Purpose In This World?

Question:If you have discovered what you're meant to do? I don't mean it'd decided by a deity or anything. If you haven't discovered your raison d'etre, any ideas?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you have discovered what you're meant to do? I don't mean it'd decided by a deity or anything. If you haven't discovered your raison d'etre, any ideas?

My purpose in this world is teach and guide people into becoming their own self healer should they chose to do so. It is to spread happiness, love and joy as I heal more and others heal more. It is to guide, coach and teach others how they can set themselves free from the suppression of their wills. It's been a very long journey to be at this point and when I am doing this, I feel alive and dynamic.

You will find your purpose. There are so many expressions of helping others. If this is your desire, it will happen.

Kind thoughts

Be Creative.

: )


to piss as many ppl off as i can... oh yeah and great sex too

My parents had "relations", a zygote formed that turned into ME.

I have no purpose ... I'm just HERE.

There's no god, no Heaven, no Hell, no devil. Humans don't have souls ... we are simply biochemical machines somewhere in the long process of evolution, and we will eventually go the way of the dinosaur and something else will become the dominant species on Earth.

We're not that special, people. Get over yourselves.

I think it's a work in progress. But for now, I am content believing that we are all here to learn through this endless procession of experiences (good or bad) called life. Through learning, we better ourselves. And by bettering ourselves, we are able to contribute more to society and mankind in general. I think it's all interwoven together, and we all have to play our part. I would like to think that I will be able to help many others come to this realization. Realize that they can also be happier, more productive people. I think it is a noble and challenging purpose. One that can never be finished. There is always more to learn.

I think i was meant to be a role model for other people. I have learned from many mistakes I've made in my life. and i have changed for the better. So my purpose to also help people in any way that i can

may b live life to the fullest i wanna cope up wid any kinda situation m asked i wanna live life according 2 me but m afraid that it may slip outta me rest i wanna help poors cause they are not able to afford things and thats all y they lack in themselves human resource may b they cud have lead the society to even better situation and rest i wanna help out ppl who are physically or mentally ill and those old people who live in old age homes or work as a slave in their child's house i dunno how but i wanna do this

Decode this lyrics " Who will save the world"
Is it not to create peace on earth goodwill to men?
To survive and advance in time?
To solve the mystery of " Who are we" ?
What were we dong down here as time-traveller passing by?
Look in the real world.
Where have we gone wrong with all the mess out there?
Some just passing by with lost sense of direction and purpose of life.
Some crown themselves as king midas with the golden touch.
Some crown themselves with crown of thorns with two empty hands and two balls.
Some climb up the coconut tress and still look green living in misery like cave-men.
Some filled up all their pockets with all the pulnderings and looting with destruction of God's natural assets in bringing it all back to the graveyards with them.
Some at loss and blurr keep on advancing in time.
Some being left behind with time still stomping their feets on someone else graveyards with the dead eerily wailing " Get off my grave" can't even rest in peace.
Some keep on shaking and waking up the dead Mummy from the graveyards of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of someone else ghostly ancestor's culture and custom.
Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49
What do you think?

to overcome my fears

I am to be a teacher by whatever means necessary. It feels good and after I let go of all my other identities I felt fulfilled.

My purpose is to achieve PERFECTION

My purpose is to live. For most of the humans that have come before us, and a couple of billion not-so-fortunates today, "living" was/is a full time job. We don't seem to appreciate just how unnatural it is to have all our basic needs met so easily. Sitting around pondering the meaning of life is one luxury that most humans never had, many still don't have and one that we might not have for too much longer.

If you're going to exclude anything from God, then you're just talking about how to feel good.

“Unless you assume a God, the question of life’s purpose is meaningless.” –Bertrand Russell

This question would best be in the Psychology section.

People fell into illusion thinking they were separate from God and from other people. The physical universe gives this illusion as well. The way to heal this in ourselves is to love each other, which when done properly, brings happiness and peace. But what is often mistaken for love is egotistical and fearful and ends in alienation and sorrow, We can't know the loving thing to do without connecting with the higher mind. The analytical mind won't do it. The higher mind created the Universe and in us creates, it isn't involved in taking it apart to see how it works, it already knows. That's not to say the analytical mind doesn't have a purpose, it just doesn't know love or God.

Our professions are only one part of the way we can love each other. My professions are teacher and vegetable grower and seller.