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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you delete some one from your life ?

Question:that some one is like poison .... i cant forgive her anymore.

shes like poison .

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: that some one is like poison .... i cant forgive her anymore.

shes like poison .

Of course ya know that when something is deleted, that space on the hard-drive is labeled-"can be written over". It sounds like she's already deleted and you're just waiting for new data to go in that space. But, I know what you mean.

Press the Delete button.

I have a friend like that. You can't delete her entirly. Everything you've been through is still in you and you can't just forget her but you can avoid her like the plague until she is ready to change and if she doesn't change then too bad for her. It's good that your getting out this unhealthy friendship or relationship.

I suggest that when involved with a toxic relationship all ties be cut and the message be made very clear that you have made up your mind and that you will not change your mind. Then, no letters, no texting, no emails or phone calls are returned. Period. No discussion.

I wish I could just "delete" someone from my memory, but I know that everything happens for a reason. The bad experiances makes you appreciate the good ones that much more. =)

Shift+ Delete is better, lest some one should restore the recycle bin.
Absolute deletion will require suicide. This, generally, permanently erases your perspective. Don't do it though...

You cannot delete someone from your life. You will after time forget them if you really want to but its a very hard thing to do. You will need to forgive them if even for your own well being. Holding on to hatred is bad for your health. I'm sure you had good times with this person so it will be very difficult to forget them because over time things will remind you of them so my advise is to let it go but to definitely forgive them.