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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why it is rare to dare to think in different way then 98 procent of all people t

Question:bcoz only 2% are extraordinary people & the rest are ordinary. Of the 2% ,1.98% face different problems in life & suffer & are unable to exhibit their talent; But not always different thinkers are geniuses; 0.01% are eccentrics! the rest 0.01% are our Einstens, Freuds, Aristotles & Socrates!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: bcoz only 2% are extraordinary people & the rest are ordinary. Of the 2% ,1.98% face different problems in life & suffer & are unable to exhibit their talent; But not always different thinkers are geniuses; 0.01% are eccentrics! the rest 0.01% are our Einstens, Freuds, Aristotles & Socrates!

Eh? It's rare because only 2% do?

Fear of rejection? How can you tell what the other percentage, indeed anyone else, thinks anyway?

I love to hear the other 2%. thats why I love this forum! I need to hear all the angles & ponder. :)

Its rarity is due to the fact that most people are most at ease when they are accepted by others. People who tend to think "outside the box" are either truly unique or posing as if they were.

you have to remember our evolution.

It didn't apparently help us to survive tens of thousands of years ago byt trying to think in ways completely differently from everyone around us. We were too busy trying to survive our normal 20+ years of life.

i guess people dont wanna be thought of a different but people dont realize that those 2% turn out to be our scientist, doctors, engineers, teachers ect.

if you are in those 2% be proud and hold your head up high

The consensus imposes protocols for behaviour, both internal and external, and expects people to comply.

A comparison can be made by illustrating primative tribalism. There are two factors at work in the social engine. One is that fear of the dark, that fear of the jungle, of all the predators that lie beyond the campfire and mud huts that can take out villiagers who stray away from the crowd. If you are different, you are percieved as someone who will be lost to he jungle, or perhaps your are seen as one of the predators yourself.

The second factor goes to the chieftain complex. A villiage leader carries not only an eloquences that absorbs the confidence of those who follow, but they also have a few islands of knowledge in areas that the followers don't, hence, they are often seen as sage, or having super powers.

Anyone who thinks differently is a threat to the chieftain, because they just might be able to find out the mechanisms and "secret knowledge" of the chieftain, that is powers are trickery, and that his facade is a lie. Also, the different thinker poses the possibility of becoming a chieftain themselves, displacing authority by the introduction of new ideas that the chieftain has not thought of himself..

As society advances and becomes more integrated, the chieftains become more elaborate in their titles, and work togther as an oligarchy. Shamen become priests. Alpha personalities become kings and prime ministers, and keepers of the secret knowledge become the Ivory towers of Academia. Their opposition of "thinking differently" comes from vested interests as well. They have worked hard to establish institutions that are self perpetuating with the cogs of those who put the hard labor into it. It's important that the cogs believe in the system in order to keep it going..

Yet, when isolated for whatever reason, it is natural to concieve of new perspectives and see the world through self-determined filters. That's what makes it rare.

cuz all we are are humans............. or are u an alien ????????????


who knows !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fear of rejection, I guess.

Some people have to abandon their beliefs in order to fit in with the crowd and I think that's pathetic.

Cause everybody thinks what everybody says is right. But it often isn't.