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Position:Home>Philosophy> Happiness?!? Are you in control?!?

Question:People say that happiness is with in our control. I change things, or do things differently but it all stays the same. Is it that we are meant to be this way? Or is it the less intellect we bring, the easier it is to be happy? The less you contemplate situations, the less you have to worry about?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: People say that happiness is with in our control. I change things, or do things differently but it all stays the same. Is it that we are meant to be this way? Or is it the less intellect we bring, the easier it is to be happy? The less you contemplate situations, the less you have to worry about?

The problem is that you are either changing the wrong things or not changing them completely. The problem with happiness is that people think that if they change things externally they will find it. Like getting a new car, move to a bigger house, etc.... If we take the same stuff to the new house, don't we still have the same things. All we have done is move it and then we start filling the empty space with more stuff. True change to find happiness is not about moving things around it's about creating new choices and making new decisions. Understand that you are where you are today because of every decision you have made up to this point. If you keep making the same decisions your position or situation will never change. Happiness is achieved when we change our belief system about who we are and what our lives should be. If you are not happy because you haven't achieved your goals maybe it's not you but the goals you have chosen. Exaim your life and quit searching for happiness and start doing something to be happy. You have the power to make your life whatever you want, the question is will you?

I think that you DO control ur happiness. The world could be crashing down around you. But if u are always wearing a smile. U cant help but be optimistic and happy

Just do what makes you happy and you'll be happy. Or maybe stop doing what makes you unhappy.

What ever it is you want in life Believe in God and do your best to follow the law given to Jesus then ask for it,listen,wait,recieveand respond like you know it's yours Just be honest,open,,and be careful what you ask for be precise........After doing this you will know the answer is always YES we do indeed have control.......Blessings Yahoo

Yes, people should realize that happiness is in ourselves, in other words, we are all capable of being happy in our current state.

Pursue, is act of trying to find(in this case happiness). If we think happiness comes simply from the surroundings, and too busy trying to pursue one, we will never find it. Happiness is in our mind, only. Statistics show poor people are more likely to be happy than wealthy men.

Be grateful, and be satisfied for your current situation. As we can never find happiness thinking of happiness is at somewhere else, not in our mind. ;)

Hope this helps.

i think were all born happy. i feel like my most basic emotion and when im at my norm is a state of happiness. it takes something bad to make me unhappy, but when im bored and doing nothing im happy just like if im doing something i enjoy. you cant always control it because surprises happen everyday. you cant have a complete grasp on everything going on. but you can worry and stress your hapiness away, which is a behavior of humans i just dont understand. and blissful ignorance is not the same as true enlightenment. you may think your happy but thats due to the ignorance. true enlightenment comes through not thinking your happy, but knowing your happy. and id much rather be the latter wouldnt you?