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Position:Home>Philosophy> Suppose ur being offered peace n money, what would u take?

Question:No one can give you peace. That's something that has to start from within.

However, given a choice between peace and money, Peace is the only one that's real. Money is a lower abstract than peace and a product of collective manipulation to gravitate the benefits of work and accomplishment toward those who have no part in creating either.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No one can give you peace. That's something that has to start from within.

However, given a choice between peace and money, Peace is the only one that's real. Money is a lower abstract than peace and a product of collective manipulation to gravitate the benefits of work and accomplishment toward those who have no part in creating either.

i assume world peace or a lot of money.
i'd take the money, because world peace is impossible without infringing upon the rights of others.


peace to what extent?

you said peace n money, not peace or money, so I'll take both

I'd choose the money. if you really think about it, how many medical advancements have been caused by the horrors of war. I'd use most of the money funding medical research.

I would take money because that would give me inner peace and with inner peace I could stop thinking about my own problems and focus more on helping others with the power that money would bring.

PEACE. Money is easy, you can always get enough to live properly on. Jobs are all over the world, just pick one out and pick it up. You will get paid, that's money.