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Position:Home>Philosophy> What would life be like...without songs?


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Well... for one thing there would be a lot more spoken speech!
No Broadway Musicals!
TV Commercials better? Worse?
Movies would be different.
No Music Man Movie!
No TV or Movie Theme Songs!
No National Anthems!

All in all a much more quiet life...
Probably more boring.
Probably it would seem longer...
Probably less fun...

But Birds sing, and crickets sing, and some other beasties make noises...

So People do too.
I guess we are more creative that the other animals!

i'm not going to click on that but life without music would be really odd. even deaf people hear the beat.

it would suck and be very boring

I usually just thumbs down on youtube links. The do not go over well in philosophy as they show a lack of forthought and knowledge. That said I would submit music as an argument for intelligent design.

peace and love

boring.. and meaningless for me..

Sad And Depressing.....Great Now I Need Happy Music..THX Allot.

I don't like youtube. I agree with the guy a few above me. It doesn't show well in philosophy.

music is great. It would suck without it.

Pretty damn boring.
Music helps are imagination think wider , and discover.