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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you afraid to be alone in life and die a lonely person?

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No, I have no reason to be afraid of that happening to me because I have many family members and friends who love me dearly and who I cherish in return.
You're welcome.

Yes I would be afriad of that.

So far so good though!

No, If all else fails, I will always have my best friend - Jesus. He said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." What a cool promise.

Yes. Life isn't as enjoyable if you don't have any friends or a significant other to spend it with. Plus, by being lonely, I think I would lose every single ounce of innocence within me, therefore making life so dull.

I ofter think I would not like to outlive my friends and family and would not like to live to be 100 but maybe if I was 99 I would change my mind

you know its odd that you asked :

i think sometimes in my mind that i might have a problem
all through my life ive never been able to say no
i think it may be because i dont want to be alone
but im never alone
theres always someone by me
and ive always been able to make friends really easily
so throught this twisted answer i would say


we are all essentially alone. and you cant die with someone exactly. So I dont know. Would I rather die along side my best friends, yes but that is kind of awkward to say and think about. Am I afraid of being alone, absolutely not. If you are afraid of being alone then what will you do when you find yourself in that position? Cease to be? Give up on life? Being alone should be something you can nurture into something great.

Not really. I have Jesus and like Anne Graham Lotz, "Just give me Jesus." and I can do anything.

I do afraid to be alone on earth and die alone. I've met these wonderful people, and I loves them. If I didn't met them at first, I wouldn't be afraid to be alone at all, because I wouldn't know that the "others" exist. It's kind of like Tarzan, I'll make friends. Even if there's no animals in this earth, I'll talk to myself or a tree. As long as I can imagine, I can be happy. So, there must be somethings that is better than loves out there in the universe that we didn't know it exist. With out that "thing" we still can be happy today.

I am thankful to be alone in life because I am still alive. I am glad to die a lonely person when nobody disturbs when I am sleeping peacefully.


I used to feel that way Years ago!!! I am never "Alone" anymore unless I Choose to be. I enjoy my " Alone Time" today!! How could I possibly " Die a Lonely Person"? Loneliness is a " State of Being" that can be avoided or Changed in many ways. I do not Need other People around me avoid Being Lonely! My God is with me ALL of the Time. I can Choose to be Alone and Enjoy it!!! There is a Difference between Being Alone and Loneliness. I do not Suffer from either one of these anymore! As for Dying alone-- I certainly Hope I do!!! I am Not So Selfish as to want to Take Anyone Else With Me when I go!!! Gratitude My Friend --Look up the Word and see what it says. A Grateful Heart is Never Lonely!!!

You can have a crowd or just a family and be lonely, being alone does not constitute lonliness.

1) No, I am not afraid to be alone.
2) Death just maybe a pretty exciting place, I have not heard anyone complaining about it.

Definitely yes. I am happy with who I am, sometimes, but I really desire companionship.

There is only so much I can accomplish on my own.

I try being the best person I can be so I can be happy, but it really isn't enough, having something that shows you were the best you can be does make life a lot more worth living for, and when dying, life wouldn't have felt like such a waste.

I enjoy being alone but not lonely. We all die alone, though.

We are always alone. You will always be the only one looking through the two front holes in your skull. Feeling lonely is a chemical induced action in the brain. Decide to be happy and there is no need to fear death.

Not really. I've been alone most of my adult life and it hasn't hurt me. In fact, I was tickled when I found out the boyfriend was cheating on me because FINALLY I could get him out the door and not have to worry that he'd come back AGAIN.

As for being lonely, that's different than being alone. A person can live alone and not be lonely. I have a very active professional life and friends around the world. As I get older, I will be mentoring more young writers. Naw, no reason to be lonely.

I think the first would be more a concern than the second.

It takes only a moment to die. There's a good possibility I will die in fear or in pain. So it's good that it will only take a moment.

But living alone in life, that would suck. On the other hand, as Sartre said, "Hell is other people!"

no. i would not be afraid. id rather die with a loved one.

being alone isnt all that bad. theres no one there to annoy you, hurt you, or dissappoint you.

I don't see how there is anything to be afraid of...if you die then you die.

I am comfortable with my own company. We moved a lot so I learned to amuse myself. As for dying alone I would feel like I'd failed somewhat. I obviously hadn't inspired or shared enough love with others to be valued myself.

Why fear the inevitable? Everyone ends up alone at some point in their lives. It's better to know that you don't need people than to live thinking that you can't live without them.