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Position:Home>Philosophy> Wolves can relieve themselves by howling; how can humans speak up their souls?

Question:Music is the purest expression of the soul and the human emotions.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Music is the purest expression of the soul and the human emotions.

Alot of people choose to scream/cry their hearts out.

Some calm them selves down with exercise, running is a good example.

And others choose to see a therepist, or have a best friend they can just speak their mind to whenever.

Wolves howling has got bugger all to do with release of any kind and even less to do with "souls" What nonsense.

I think this is what crying is. It's a complete expression of the pain we are feeling. Others who are not as controlled may scream or yell or even throw things.

there is no soul.

And what exactly do you think wolves are "relieving"?

Write. Start by any word that enters your mind then go with that flow. The more you do it the better you get until one day it will feel like a religious experience you can't live without.

by screaming.