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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there a secret behind finding love?

Question:You can't force it, you can't even bend the truth a little about yourself or the one you think you love.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You can't force it, you can't even bend the truth a little about yourself or the one you think you love.

Nope...I think it finds you when you aren't looking.

yes there is;
you have to let it come to you..
I know that answers sounds really dissatisfying now-
but trust me, you'll understand when it finds you :)
it happened to me-
I found my soulmate when I gave up looking
&& now I regret feeling like I had to look everywhere when it just found me?.

You have to be looking for it.
Those who need something will always gravitate to the frequency of that something, be it money, fame, art, ot love.
Everybody eles who not not vibrate in the same frequency is OBLIVIOUS.

This is a good question - I am happily in love and I feel that my decisions had a lot to do with it. Many single people I know have no clear idea of what they want and need from a partner - if you don't know then how do you recognise it when it comes along. And I don't mean looks or other superficial qualities although obviously you have to be sexually attracted to each other and ideally they will be at least slightly ambitious in their career, but the most important qualities for a successful relationship are more subtle - your attitudes towards money, your belief systems, the way you deal with conflict, your willingness to compromise - all these things affect deeply how well a relationship will work. You need to know yourself well and you also need to be happy by yourself before you can make a relationship succeed.
There is luck involved as well of course - only a very small proportion of people you meet will fit your needs, you have to get out there and start meeting them!

No, it's just unavoidable...........Blessings Yahoo

Yes. You have to love yourself first. If YOU don't love yourself, who will?

Stop looking. Love will find it's way to you. When we search for something often we are mislead by our own emotions and desires. Our belief of what love is often shapes what we look for and our perception of love. For example; If you imagine that love is the perfect person, some one who will always say the right things, do all the right things, and without fail always think of you first or perhaps they must look a certain way (have certain feature that you like) be tall, have dark or light skin, what ever. Then you will never find love. Love is when two people have a very strong connection and they are able to see far more then what exists externally. We have all had that crush that we thought was love, but was it really.

you have to be open to it

Nope, there aren't. Just like reading, you have to go through everything. The sentence that you just skipped accidentally might be the love of your life. So, no short cut. The further you go, is the nearer you'll reach.

Yes, let it come to you. Focus on making yourself and your life well, and it will find you when you least expect it to.