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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it harder for girls to handle philosophy than guys?

Question:I think girls can handle guys much better than they can handle philosophy. Though I'm sure there are plenty of girls who can handle both.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think girls can handle guys much better than they can handle philosophy. Though I'm sure there are plenty of girls who can handle both.

Where would you get an idea like that?

I dont think ones ability to handle a subject such as philosophy is affected by ones sex. Try searching for your answer on google, statiscally perhaps, or it could be the other way round, who really cares, women have more interesting uses than to understand philosophy anyway :)

No, it's the other way around :)

I think the brain is not male or female, so there would be no difference?!?!? Is intellect found in one gender alone?

Yes I think so. Female and male brains are different, but not in the way that one is superior to the other, they're just different. The same way that women are better at verbal communication and men are better at recognizing feelings from facial expressions, for ex. or the fact that men possess spatial intelligence in a degree higher than women. It has always been like that; from the Ancient Greece philosophy was characterised by a gender imbalance to the benefit of male thinkers.