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Position:Home>Philosophy> Should we rue the day that we turned, from God...away?

Question:Look, God is a creation of the human imagination. He does not exist outside of the heads of theologists and the writings of religious people, which are worth neither the paper they are printed on nor the ink they are printed with. Turning away from what is an often harmful myth that inspires fear and guilt among millions of people should not be regretted but celebrated!

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Look, God is a creation of the human imagination. He does not exist outside of the heads of theologists and the writings of religious people, which are worth neither the paper they are printed on nor the ink they are printed with. Turning away from what is an often harmful myth that inspires fear and guilt among millions of people should not be regretted but celebrated!

Harleigh Kyson Jr. all.

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