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Position:Home>Philosophy> Whatever!!! what is so exciting about your life anyway ?

Question:I love it because I am able to study and am always
learning new things so I don't get bored.

Nice family, friends and work.
I'm lucky.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I love it because I am able to study and am always
learning new things so I don't get bored.

Nice family, friends and work.
I'm lucky.

whatever!!! like, i don't know and stuff!!! totally!!!

it is better to have a life then dying


I don't say stuff like.."Whatever"!!

It's my life. I am still alive, and that is exciting.

I get to boss ppl around at work, made club champ over the weekend in golf, and am mortgage free this year.

whatever..................I waken each day to the sun rise! That is enough.

if there is a god i must be his pin cusion.

My job. I love it !!