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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you could stand before God today what youl you ask him?

Question:I don't think I'd need to ask anything. To see him face to face would be an enlightenment that would make most everything else irrelevant.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't think I'd need to ask anything. To see him face to face would be an enlightenment that would make most everything else irrelevant.

Why? That's it... just why

why is everything going wrong? what can we do? is it going to be ok?

why is life temporary?

Can u plz make drugs good for the mind and not do any harm????

Why Is life so miserable

I would ask him to step down and give me the job.

I would ask him why he does not exist, then in his unable to answer me he would cease to exist and dissolve into a dust and the entire universe would suck up into a black hole with a crash of lightning and the most amazing light show ever imaginable and legions of dark beings would crowd around and at the same time get sucked into the abyss of non existence taking place around me while i continuously orgasm and bleed out my eyes and throw up gold and water all over Gods face even tho hes just a powder of un-existant fumes laying and eroding on the ground and i would see all the people who have died as small as cells popping in and out of existence right in front of me screaming and damning me. But only if God existed in the first place...

Why my husband has to be so sick and at such an early age facing life without his limbs...?

i would ask him to stop me from stuggling through life.


I've hated you throughout my life, so why create me in the first place? In fact, why did you create other god haters?

since there is no god i stood in front of my wall and asked it why millions die? how is it so easy for a government to control people and make them kill for some green paper? why cant man do what he is intended to do?

i wood ask him do u know how to use yore spell check button on yore pc. you done it again with 1 word this tyme.''

What the Hell's going on bro? I expect the answer to be; Exactly! God already knows all the answers. It's up to us to find out. How can that be accomplished when all you hear are lies. They say pray for the right answers. How do you know the answer you get is right when your mind and what you've been taught is wrong?