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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is it so difficult to make everyone happy around you at your own expense?

Question:It doesn't have to be.

Making people around me happy makes me happy.

Instead of viewing things that you have to do to make people happy as a burden, try to have a positive outlook and feel good that you are making someone else feel good, too. Share in your happiness.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It doesn't have to be.

Making people around me happy makes me happy.

Instead of viewing things that you have to do to make people happy as a burden, try to have a positive outlook and feel good that you are making someone else feel good, too. Share in your happiness.

Its not ..That's are choice,, I do thing because i want to,,,and i dont want ,,or ask ,,for any thing back,,,So it not much of an Expense,,,,and maybe that's what make's ,,Me ,, giving

Because I'm poor and can't afford much.

Are you kidding? Trying to please everybody pleases nobody. I don't know if that's a proverb, but it certainly seems to be true.
And be careful about making people happy at your own expense. This method is guaranteed to generate resentment.
Some people can't handle a generous act - they think you are setting them up for a trick, and they will mark you as a fool or as prey.
The trick is to share happiness, not grant it.

You will never be able to make everyone happy, trying to is just going to cause a whole lot of pain on your behalf.

honestly because some people are selfish and only think of there own needs.

Because you have to be unselfish. You have to think of someone else's needs before your own. You have to wait and some people are not patient and do not like putting off what they want to do.

I don't think I understand the question, because in my experience, it's quite easy to make everyone happy around me at my own expense. For example, say I'm at a party, take out my wallet and give everyone present a 100 dollar bill. Result: everyone around me is happy.

The hard thing, in my opinion, would be to make everyone around me happy at their expense.

If in order to make everyone around me happy were at the expense of my happiness, then that would be just plain unconstitutional. I would be tempted to exercise my right to purchase a firearm in order to protect my right to pursue my happiness.

However, if it were not at the expense of my happiness then by all means, point and laugh your silly little heads off.

Is it? I didnt think so.