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Question:How do you define love?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How do you define love?

a sneaky little unpredictable thing.....

An uninvited feeling


Love is that blinding light
That takes me to the other side.

A reeling

it is a choice u make because u have decisions

Love is a commitment to the wellbeing of another. The Bible teaches that we should love God with all we are and love fellow man as ourselves. God never commands us to feel any certain way. He created us with the capacity to have emotions and feelings. While warm fuzzy feelings for an attractive person are special, they don't equate love. Most people seemed to understand this before the sixties. Today we live in a "feel good" society. Feelings are a tremendously important aspect of life, but they aren't the substance of it.

Love is considering the self interest of another as though it were your own.

It is typically an emotional choice.


It is a chosen feeling.

Involuntary feeling.

A choice.. you can choose weather or not to do things, spend time, think about, or commit to somthing. People who love god have chosen to, he cant make u love him.

I think that it is both, you can choose to love who you want but it is also a feeling that you feel for that person, something special. Love conquers all.

Love is a cheeky feeling. You hop hop hop like a cheeky grasshopper and still end up with your fav squeeze.

I have a few things to say....

Understanding love is seeing what you do to another is done to you. And what you do to you is done to all.

Because all are one.

Love accepts all people as they are.

Just accept you and you'll treat all as you treat you (as you already do).

So never mind making an effort, just let you be as you are.

Love is revealed by being as you are.

Become nothing and seek nothing.

How I describe love is ... you let you be you; and you thereby declare: All are adequate.

Love is a choice... when you are married, or have a child, sometimes you don't feel like loving... but you choose to anyway... b/c it's your choice to continue this relationship. It's part of being a grownup and realizing it's not all about you.

A feeling

It is a feeling with no choice in the matter. Choices are made and feelings are not.
