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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do we look at life??

Question:i am doing a study of human nature..and an essay to interpret this..your opinion counts.

i look at life as a challenge..and my main beleif...are
1. "Survival of the fittest"
2. you cant change your destiny because it is already set
3.anarchism (just the idealogy)
4. atheism.
5..more..but private.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i am doing a study of human nature..and an essay to interpret this..your opinion counts.

i look at life as a challenge..and my main beleif...are
1. "Survival of the fittest"
2. you cant change your destiny because it is already set
3.anarchism (just the idealogy)
4. atheism.
5..more..but private.

Most of my friends think of me as some higher being due to my intelligence. What I try to explain to them is that there are others much more intelligent than I am!

I look at life in many ways! I am here to serve an ultimate purpose, and I am fully aware of what that is! I think the way each person looks at life is different. No two people will see the same thing the same way. What one may consider the "perfect" life others may not! There is no one concept to a view that is interpreted differently by all.

to die happy andcomplete is the meaning, i see that as a challenge too acctually

life is definately a complex thing.
I also see it as a challenge.
I think that some people know exactly why they are here, and what they should do in life.
And to others it's just an adventure.
I see as both a beautiful and brutal thing.

I could go on and on.
If you want me to write more, my email is

I look at life as a path, ultimately reaching "myself".
1. my goal is to find out who I am.
2. if on the way i approach pleasures, i will happily indulge.
3. if on the way i approach pain, i will learn.
4. everything that happens to me happens for a reason
5. when you die... you're dust.
6. life is about learning as much as possible.

it kinda disturbs me you would put atheism in a way to look at life but, i would go with 1. life is just a big game set up as countries. you have to be the strongest country to win. and love and being happy and just bonus points.

I look at life as something that needs to be lived, to be enjoyed and embraced. At the same time, I see it as something that is full of challenges that should be experienced.

I like the way people are supposed to look at life after life is finished, assisted by the Beings of Light which review your life in the Akashic, "What have you learnt from this life?" and whether you have "Loved your neighbour as thyself?".
Quite deep philosophies eh? (without any religion attached to them ofcourse).

"The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet.
6. Love
7. Compassion
8. Insight
9. Wisdom
10. Joy
11. Fear


i feel life is too short,so b in the first lane...
live it up..chuk it dwn
its all abt living 4 ur dreams so dnt tak tension abt wt oders do to u........
be generous to others...its ur deeds that will accompany u at last.....
every passing momewnt takes u close to death so giv ur the best

Hey Smartboy.
THERE is no separation.
THERE is naught but ONE of US.