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Question:HOPE: "the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best"

FAITH: "confidence or trust in a person or thing"

Is it naive to have hope and faith?? why?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: HOPE: "the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best"

FAITH: "confidence or trust in a person or thing"

Is it naive to have hope and faith?? why?

no, i think it's naive (and arrogant) to think a person can accomplish significant things in life without hope and faith.

No I think without hope, life would be very hard indeed.

I'm not so sure about the faith thing though.

Not in any way as long as you can still be realistic in situations that call for it.

It's hope and faith that keep people going

Since on many occasions things do work out for the best in spite of circumstances or pressures of the moment, then it is not naive to have hope or faith.

It's not naive to hope. However, it is naive to have faith. Especially if it is in people. The world isn't like it used to be, actually, it has always had evil. Many people nowadays will take your kindness for a weakness and use you. It's better to distrust until someone earns your trust.

Romans 8:24,25
24 For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

No, it isn't naive. But I guess you have to be careful that your hope (dreams)/faith isn't misdirected. People can and will let you down.

of course not

it keeps us going. keeps our heads up. allows us to believe, to open up to something so good can come out of it.

faith and hope shape who we are.

Absolutely creates a happy and positive person...w/o hope and faith nothing is fulfilling. not have so much hope and faith that you become naive and enter insanity.....insanity: doing the same thing and expecting different results! Naive is when you believe things that are impossible or have been proven by you or others to be a fallacy. KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!

I think everyone should have faith and hope. Is it naive??? are you serious? When one stops having hope then they become a very negative person.
Hope is much like dreams when you stop having them you give up on life itself.

Hope is faith without acts. Faith without acts is useless. You can find that one in The Book.

As for a pretty funny answer to this question. Read the book Candid by Voltaire.

With out faith and hope, what else is there to live for??

no, i'm always hopeful eventhough life has not been easy for me.

You must have hope and faith, otherwise reality will have nothing to crush into a thousand pieces that you will desperately try to reconstruct in the futile hope of maintaining some illusion of meaning in your life. Of course, ultimately you will fail and then alcohol will be the only thing that will protect you from the soul-destroying despair you will feel.

So my resounding answer is YES! Have hope, faith, dreams and love, and remember, you can buy a 1.7 litre bottle of Bowman's Vodka for only $11.49, compared to Seagrams at $19.99.

For your teacher situation.
i suggest getting the best definition of "Naive".
and then showing her / him the definitions of "Hope" and "Faith".
then use the definitions to prove how "Hope" and "Faith" doesn't fit under the definition of "Naive".
if she argues back just keep bringing up what exactly "Naive" means
and how she should rethink her viewpoints
(thats what i did in a similar situation in my debate class)

As people live beyond their twenties, they start to understand that the human condition has its dark sides. This is especially true for anyone born anywhere in the twentieth century, which was the most destructive and violent one in human history.

But even before the twentieth century, many people realized this. Leibniz, for example, once proclaimed that we live in the best of all possible worlds. Voltaire thought this idea was stupid and wrote "Candide" to satirize it.

Briefly, Candide, the protagonist, goes through a lot of s.h.i.t in his life but survived it all and finally concluded that the best thing he could do was stay home and attend his garden since it was only by keeping to yourself and pursuing your private hobbies that you had any hope of getting away from this s.h.i.t.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

Your prof. was and is a fool. You have to have hope and faith to survive. If he only believes in the selfish ME, he is going to find that as time goes on, that is what he is going to have, only himself. Feel sorry for the fool. He worships himself. People like him are the causes of greed, etc. which cause hunger, disease, environmental disasters, hoarding, pain, unequal distribution of the wealth, jobless, discrimination. Stick to your guns.